Stuart Casarotto
Graduation year: 2014
Major: Engineering physics
Minors: Environmental studies, mathematics, philosophy
Activities: Sustainability Committee, Academic Mission and Priorities Committee, Salon–Facilitates Student and Professor Discussions, AugiePonics, Physics Club, Ultimate Frisbee, WAUG Radio, Delta Omega Nu fraternity (honorary member)
Post-grad plans: Attend University of Colorado Boulder for mechanical engineering
Why did you choose to attend Augustana?
To be honest it was because it wasn't too far from home and was cheaper than others.
Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago?
I didn't have any idea where I would be at this point, and I don't know where I will be in another four years. I am OK with that though. I am happy where I am now.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
Many professors to administrators have helped me to reach the point where I am. Professors have helped me construct and complete a crazy schedule. Administrators have helped me start two clubs and allowed me to sit on two important committees.
A peak experience?
Being able to help influence the construction of the new CSL (Center for Student Living). Because of the group I helped start and stuck with called AugiePonics, a hydroponics wall for growing food was installed in the CSL.
What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?
That I love learning. That life doesn’t follow your plan, and that’s OK.
How did you use your Augie Choice?
I used my Augie Choice to allow me to do an internship and project at the City of Moline’s Water Treatment Plant.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss some of the great professors most. Many of them have really changed my future for the better, and I will miss being able to go into their offices just to hang out.
Advice for the Class of 2018?
Don't take school too seriously. Life will not go how you plan, and that’s OK. Also, “do it for the story.” Realize these are true, and you will have a great four years.
"Stuart is an inquisitive, conscientious and confident person. He always performed well in classes, but was also interested in practical application. Stuart is incredibly resourceful and performed a variety of independent research projects from creating a digital reconstruction of a campus building to help design improvements, to creating a color organ that was programmed with Arduino. He has also been very active in campus groups, including founding two of them. He is one of our best students and will be missed."