Phidlynn Augustin
Graduation year: 2015
Majors: Religion and psychology
Activities: Phi Beta Kappa, Zeta Phi Kappa sorority, UNYK, Campus Ministries, Martini Swingers, Dance Marathon
Post-grad plans: I plan to take a year or two off to work and get some experience under my belt. Afterwards, I hope to pursue grad school. In what? That’s what the time off is for.
Why did you choose Augustana?
Honestly, it was the beauty of Augustana’s campus that attracted me. But beauty is only skin deep, right? I was able to do an overnight here, and that drew me in. It was easy interacting with the students and faculty here. By the end of the overnight, I felt as if I definitely belonged, and there were no other options.
Are you where you thought you'd be four years ago?
Definitely not. I originally entered Augie thinking I was going to be a biology major, focusing on pre-physical therapy. That was the first thing that changed. Although I am not where I imagined I would be, I am so thankful for where I am now.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
There were a lot of people who helped, but I have to give a big shout-out to my professors and my on-campus work managers/supervisors/co-workers. They have helped in every way they possibly could. Between providing a place for me to stay or a meal if I needed one, being present to hug, lending a listening ear and providing hard, but true, guidance and advice, these people have been there throughout many key moments of my college career, and I don’t think I could ever thank them enough.
A peak experience?
The study abroad trip I took to Holden Village. I loved being in the mountains for six weeks with the same core group of individuals. I enjoyed being able to be present with others without the distractions of texting, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. surrounding us. I loved being able to talk to a new person every weekend about his or her life experiences and how he or she got to Holden. It brought me joy hearing that no one actually knows what they want to do for the rest of their lives. And I loved being able to create and produce a musical with my classmates.
What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?
The real question is “What didn’t you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?” Before I came to Augustana, I used to tell people that my friends knew me better than myself. Throughout these past few years that has been changing. Every year there has been something new that has popped up. I feel as if the Phidlynn I thought I was is constantly growing and changing, and it is happening far too fast for me to be able to point out what is changing and what is surprising about those changes.
How did you use your Augie Choice?
I used my Augie Choice to go to Taizé in France in the summer of 2014.
What will you miss the most?
I will definitely miss the community that Augie offers. I can’t think of a time in the future where I will be so close (in location) to those who mean so much to me.
Advice for the Class of 2019?
Get to know your professors. They will sometimes be able to help you in ways no one else can, and it’s always great knowing you have wise people on your side. Invest in the time and get to know them.
“Phidlynn is passionate about connecting academic work in religion to social justice and support for victims. In her religion Senior Inquiry project, Phidlynn creatively retrieved Bible texts that include stories of violence against women as resources to help other women overcoming traumatic experiences. She also engages the wider community through Micah House — a living and learning residential house devoted to servanthood, prayer, community and hospitality.”