Becky Brosch
Graduation year: 2016
Majors: Political science, graphic design
Minor: Art
Activities: Phi Beta Kappa, Politics Club, Model United Nations, Pi Sigma Alpha political science honor society, Omicron Delta Kappa leadership honor society, Phi Beta Delta academic honor society, Zeta Phi Kappa sorority.
Internships: Global health innovation internship at Baylor College of Medicine; community health internship at the Scott County Health Department; graphic design internship at Augustana.
Post-grad plans: Attend Saint Louis University in St. Louis for a master's in global epidemiology.
Why Augustana?
I came from a small town and knew I wanted to attend a college where I could really get to know my professors. Between the small class sizes and an absolutely beautiful campus, I quickly realized that Augustana was the perfect choice.
Are you where you thought you'd be four years ago?
Not at all. Even a year ago I wasn't sure what I wanted to do after graduation, but thanks to wonderful opportunities through studying abroad in Brazil and Ghana and an internship at the Texas Medical Center, I realized my passion for global health development. Though I'm not a public health major, the variety of classes and experiences during my college career have given me a unique perspective that I will bring to graduate school and beyond.
Who helped you?
My mom has been instrumental in encouraging me to pursue whatever crazy ideas I had. Also a huge thank-you goes to Vickie Phipps, Dr. Mariano Magalhães, Ella Fly and Dr. Heidi Storl for all of their support and guidance. I've had so many wonderful experiences both at home and abroad, and I could not have done it without them.
A peak experience?
One of my favorite experiences would be co-founding and leading The Polka Dot Project, a non-profit organization that brings free art classes to elementary school students in the Quad Cities. Thanks to support from CORE and the community, our group now offers classes to more than 50 first- and second-grade students. It's literally been a dream come true, and I'm so proud at how successful it has been.
What has surprised you?
I learned that I love adventure and learning through experience. During my college career, I was able to study, intern or volunteer in Brazil, Holden Village, Houston, New York City and Ghana. These experiences gave me some of my favorite memories, as well as helped shape my academic interests.
How did you use your Augie Choice?
I used my Augie Choice to study abroad on Brazil Term 2014.
What will you miss the most?
I will definitely miss all of the close friendships I have made. Augustana has been my home for the past four years, and it's hard to picture leaving.
Advice for the Class of 2020?
Be open to new ideas and take advantage of the opportunities Augie offers, especially grants. Augustana has so many resources that can help fund studying abroad, research, internships and more. Apply and see what happens!
“Becky is a very special student, and there’s just not enough space here to extol her many virtues. Here’s a student who participated in three study away programs (Brazil Term, Atlas Program to Ghana and Texas Medical Center Program), conducted research on public health in Ghana, presented at the second largest political science conference in the country, and led our Model United Nations group to two consecutive Outstanding Delegation awards. From my time with her in Brazil, I discovered that Becky is also goofy and fun, and has a love for puns, which she was constantly sharing with us. Finally, she is one of the smartest and probably the most creative student I’ve had in years, all while exhibiting tremendous humility.”