Katy Ziegler
Graduation year: 2016
Majors: Accounting and business administration (management)
Activities: Phi Rho sorority, CORE ambassador
Internships: Audit intern at Deloitte & Touche in Chicago; tax return assembly at Carpentier Mitchell Goddard & Company in Moline, Ill.; financial accounting intern at CLIC Sargent in London
Post-grad plans: Study for the CPA exam; begin working full-time as an audit assistant for Deloitte & Touche in the winter of 2017
Why Augustana?
Throughout the college-searching process, I was very indecisive — until I stepped foot on this beautiful campus. I met such kind, inspiring students and faculty while on my visits to Augie that I immediately realized this was meant to be my home for the next four years. And to this day, I could not be any happier with that decision.
Are you where you thought you'd be four years ago?
Absolutely not! The opportunities I’ve had during the past four years have literally been more than I imagined. I never thought I would stroll the streets of London for six weeks, become sisters with 100-plus incredible women or accept a full-time position with one of the top accounting firms in the nation. The experiences and opportunities I’ve had at Augustana have opened so many doors for my future.
Who helped you?
Many people have helped me along my journey. My parents have always been my biggest supporters, believing in me more than I ever could. I attribute much of my success to their love and constant hard work to provide me with the opportunity to be here. Dr. John Delaney in the accounting department helped me build the technical skills and confidence to enter the world of public accounting. Last but certainly not least, my Phi Rho sisters have been an unwavering support system throughout both the highs and the lows of these past four years.
A peak experience?
During the summer before my junior year, I left the country for the first time to study and intern in London. I had never been away from my family for such a long period of time, so naturally I was both excited and really nervous. My experience, however, was truly amazing. Living just a few steps from one of the most popular markets in the city and fully immersing myself in all that the culture had to offer was the best time of my life. Someday I aim to make it back to that magical city to live and work.
What has surprised you?
I have learned that I am capable of more than I think I am! Throughout the past four years, I’ve completed multiple internships, held several part-time jobs, completed an independent study and an audit project, and served on the executive board of my sorority, all while maintaining excellent academic standing. I’ve learned that life is full of challenges, and that’s what keeps me motivated.
How did you use your Augie Choice?
I used my Augie Choice to study abroad and intern in London.
What will you miss the most?
Everything. Living just minutes away from all of my best friends, peaceful walks down the slough path on a fall afternoon, gazing up in awe at the beauty of Old Main — I’m going to miss it all. But I know that the memories and connections I’ve made here at Augustana will last a lifetime.
Advice for the Class of 2020?
As soon as you step on campus, start taking advantage of all the wonderful resources available to you. From your professors, advisors and peer mentors to the talented faculty over in CORE — Augie has so much to offer!
“Management guru Peter Drucker once wrote, ‘Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.’ Katy is one of those rare individuals who possesses the character, skills and ability to both manage and lead. This powerful combination forms the foundation of an amazing person with an outstanding sense of professionalism, commitment and service. We wish her well as she launches into her fantastic future!”