Michael Dimock
Graduation year: 2016
Majors: Secondary education (mathematics), mathematics
Activities: Camp Kesem, Delta Omega Nu fraternity, Epsilon Tau Pi (honor fraternity for Eagle Scouts).
Internship: Student teaching at Davenport North High School in Davenport, Iowa.
Post-grad plans: Teach mathematics at a high school or middle school in Illinois.
Why Augustana?
After only one visit, it was easy to see that the faculty and staff were dedicated to the well-being of the Augustana community. Many colleges offered similar opportunities, but Augustana seemed to do the best job of embracing students who would make the most of their education and extracurricular endeavors. Augustana offers so many opportunities within the classroom, within the Quad Cities, and within communities all over the world... I knew I could grow as a student, as a teacher, as a mathematician, as a person and as an active citizen.
Are you where you thought you'd be four years ago?
I am fairly close to where I thought I would be, in the sense that my career path is very similar to what it has always been. But the person I am is much different than the person I thought I would be. By making the best of every opportunity that came my way, from joining a social fraternity to finding an organization like Camp Kesem, I let Augustana change me and shape me into a better person. I discovered interests here I never knew I had, I discovered how I can best help the communities I am involved in, and from it all, I feel I am much better off.
Who helped you?
Anyone who saw something in me that I did not see in myself. When you come to Augustana, you get to know a lot of people, just as a lot of people get to know you. I found out early on that as you develop these relationships, there are many people who will give you valuable wisdom. First, my advisor gave me not only academic advice, but also advice on the impact I can have on this world. Secondly, every member of Delta Omega Nu who taught me what it means to a part of a brotherhood, by supporting me through all my endeavors. Thirdly, the Camp Kesem family from counselor to camper, who have shown me what it means to be strong in the face of adversity. And, of course, my parents who have always supported me.
A peak experience?
My peak experience was going to Jamaica during my junior year. It was one of the most rewarding and exciting teaching environments I have ever been in. To see their devotion to education was truly inspiring. Beyond that, Jamaica has a lot to teach everyone who is willing to dive headfirst into its beautiful culture. It was so amazing to see a culture so grateful and happy even if the people don’t have many of the things we take for granted. Having the opportunity to see this in the eyes of so many Jamaicans was a blessing. This positive outlook is an addictive mindset and is the reason I wish I could go back every day.
What did you learn about yourself that has surprised you?
I learned what my passion is during my time at Augustana. From the education program, to Jamaica, to Camp Kesem, and being involved in so many groups on campus, I found that I want my future to be about helping people that society may have forgotten.
How did you use Augie Choice?
I used my Augie Choice for my trip to Jamaica. The trip gave me an opportunity to teach mathematics in a different community while interacting with a culture much different than our own. This trip was two weeks long and gave me many deep insights into who I am and my place in the world.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss the people who have given me so much. Starting with DON brothers who made me a better man, the Camp Kesem family who taught me how to be humble and how to be a kid, my bosses at Augustana catering who taught me how to have fun no matter the job, and, of course, all the professors who have helped me become a better student and human being. Augustana has some amazing individuals, and I would think every Augustana student leaves grateful that they were part of a college with so many amazing people.
Advice for the Class of 2020?
Surround yourself with people that make you feel comfortable and welcomed. If you look hard enough, Augustana offers so many opportunities where you can find a family away from home. Between Greek life and the countless clubs, there is a family for everyone. Also be sure to do your laundry once a week!
"Michael Dimock is an enigma, and hence has succeeded in becoming a liberally educated individual. He is part Ernest Hemingway, part Ansel Adams, and part Danny Thomas. He is the kind of person who will organize fraternity parties, engage professors in philosophical discussions over a fine Cuban cigar, practice professional photography, and work tirelessly to improve the lives of children affected by cancer. I’ve enjoyed Michael as a student, and I look forward to remaining his friend and colleague."