Sarah Oberg
Graduation year: 2016
Majors: Business (management), accounting
Activities: Chi Omega Gamma sorority, CORE career ambassador
Internship: Independent consultant for Rodan + Fields, a skincare company, working in direct sales
Post-grad plans: I will start a full-time job with John Deere in accounting and finance. I also plan to attend St. Ambrose University to earn my master’s in accounting.
Why Augustana?
While looking for a college, I knew I wanted a small school with high academic standards. When I visited Augie, I fell in love with it. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming, and I immediately felt at home on the beautiful campus. Students here are extremely involved and passionate about the campus community. After my visit here, no other college seemed to compare, and I knew Augie was the place for me.
Are you where you thought you'd be four years ago?
Not at all! When I came to Augie, I decided to major in psychology and Spanish. During my sophomore year, I somehow came to the conclusion that I wanted to be a biology major. After realizing that wasn’t for me either, I spoke to advisors within the business department, and I knew it was a good fit for me. It wasn’t until I started my business courses and took my first accounting class that I realized I really enjoyed it. I never thought I would like accounting, but I love it, and I could not be happier that I ended up in that major.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
So many wonderful people have helped me throughout my four years at Augie. My parents have always given me their unwavering support and trusted my decisions, despite how difficult it probably was during my many major changes (sorry, mom and dad). Leslie Scheck, a career counselor in CORE, also helped me transition to the accounting major and connect with professionals in the field. Lastly, my accounting advisor, Dr. John Delaney, has been an amazing mentor. He convinced me to declare my accounting major and made it possible for me to meet every requirement while staying on track for graduation. Without Dr. Delaney’s help, I would not be where I am today!
A peak experience?
One peak experience for me was working for Augie’s career development office in CORE. I helped students create and edit résumés and cover letters, prepare for interviews, and connect with campus resources. This was such a rewarding experience, and there was no better feeling than helping a student land a job or internship! Working for CORE also helped me develop personally and professionally. My Augie experience definitely would not have been the same without CORE.
What has that surprised you?
After taking such a variety of courses and meeting so many people, I’ve realized how much I still have left to learn about others and about the world. Augie has taught me to embrace and to celebrate diversity, and I have so much more to learn about other cultures and ways of life.
How did you use your Augie Choice?
I used Augie Choice for my sales internship with Rodan + Fields.
What will you miss the most?
The beautiful campus! There are so many places where I love to relax or to hang out with friends, and I will miss those places.
Advice for the Class of 2020?
Don’t be afraid to stray from your path and explore new things. I was terrified to change my major to business and disrupt my entire path at Augie, but that decision led me to my true passion and taught me so much about myself.
“Sarah exemplified the role of a CORE ambassador. She maintained a positive can-do attitude each day, assisted the CORE staff with a variety of projects, and served as an example to other CORE ambassadors. Sarah is an outstanding young professional with a bright future ahead of her. All of CORE wishes her luck as she launches her career. Thank you for all of your support over the years, Sarah!”