Emily Geison
Graduation year: 2018
Majors: Psychology, biology (pre-physical therapy)
Activities: Club volleyball, Psych Club, Psi Chi (psychology), Sports Medicine Club, first responder for Augustana Sports Medicine, Phi Beta Kappa
Post-grad plans: Attend the University of Iowa for Doctor of Physical Therapy
Why Augustana?
I chose Augie because I immediately felt at home when I visited campus. People stopped to talk to me and my mom in the Brew and answered questions for us, and I knew that Augustana was going to be the place for me.
Are you where you thought you’d be when you first came to campus?
I am not where I thought I would be four years ago. I added a psychology major and became really involved in the psychology department. The only reason I took intro to psychology as a freshman was because I dropped Spanish and needed another class to fill a perspective and be a full-time student. Now I am the president of both the Psychology Club and the Psi Chi honor society. I have had so many opportunities that I had never imagined myself having.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
There are too many special people to mention. My advisors have been amazing in helping me when I need them. They were always there for me to talk to and give advice for things outside of schoolwork. I feel the same way about many of my professors as well. They all care so deeply about their students.
Peak experience?
Traveling to Guatemala was a peak experience for me. I met with so many organizations there that are working hard for each other and the country. I also loved getting to experience the world outside of my comfort zone.
What surprised you?
Over the past four years, I have learned that I really do care about everyone around me. I am incredibly empathetic, and I have found my voice in advocating for others. I had always been quiet and afraid to speak up, but now I find myself educating others and advocating for those who are unable. I am so much stronger than I thought I was, and I am so grateful that I have learned this about myself.
How did you use Augie Choice?
I went on the spring break study abroad trip to Guatemala my junior year.
What will you miss the most?
I'm going to miss all of the amazing people that I have gotten to know during the last four years. I am also really going to miss living five minutes away from all of my friends.
Advice for the Class of 2022?
Take advantage of the opportunities that are given to you, even if they aren't what you're expecting. You never know what might turn out to be amazing.
“I cannot say enough about Emily and how deserving she is of the success that she has had and the success that she will have. I truly believe she embodies everything we wish for our students to be. She is motivated, curious, thoughtful and charismatic; but more importantly, Emily is reflective about the experiences she has had and how they have shaped her. She is ready to take this self-knowledge into the world and thrive. She will bring with her a strong sense of community, empathy and commitment that will guide her work as a physical therapist.”