Jenn Darby
Graduation year: 2018
Majors: Business administration-management, Spanish for professional use
Activities: Zeta Phi Kappa sorority, Greek Council Executive Board, Reading/Writing Center tutor
Internship: Human resources intern at Chick-fil-A Davenport
Post-grad plans: Continue to work at Chick-fil-A Davenport as its human resources director
Why Augustana?
I chose Augustana on a whim after my mom encouraged me to look at more schools. I took a chance financially and academically, and it paid off in a way that I could not even imagine four years ago.
Are you where you thought you’d be when you first came to campus?
Absolutely not! My main goal coming into school was to work enough so that I could pay for tuition. But along the way, I learned that Augie is so much more than a school where you get your education. I found groups of people and organizations that I wanted to give my time to, and I learned to focus on my Augie experience as a whole vs. just studying to get a degree.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
My amazing mother, family, friends and professors helped me get to where I am now. Every year brought what seemed to be a new challenge for me. This year in particular, as I battled cancer, their constant support, encouragement and unending grace helped me through my treatments and allowed me to still graduate on time.
Peak experience?
Definitely studying abroad in Spain! Going to Spain was my first time abroad, and I did not know what to expect. However, when I arrived, I fell in love with the culture, music, architecture, history and so much more. Every memory I made in Spain helped me see the world from a new and more critical perspective.
What did you learn that surprised you?
That anything is truly possible through God. I never would have thought four years ago that I could be sitting here as the person I am today, accomplishing all that I have. God has truly provided everything I have needed to be successful. Entering school without a faith, it is amazing to see how God has worked in my life and shaped me to be who I am today.
How did you use Augie Choice?
I used my Augie Choice in Spain last fall. With it, I was able to cover the remaining cost for my trip and purchase my plane tickets.
What will you miss the most?
There is so much I will miss about Augie. The supportive and caring professors, Greek life, my position in the Reading/Writing Center, the awe of walking through campus on a beautiful day, the constant growth through challenges made by others, etc. I have made many lifelong memories and friends on this campus. Because of this, I don't see this as a ‘goodbye,’ but rather as a ‘see you later.’
Advice for the Class of 2022?
Fall in love with whatever you do. There is more than you can even dream of doing on this campus, so find what you love and pour your love into that. Whether it’s starting a new club on campus or joining an academic group; when you find that passion, don't let go of it. Sometimes it may mean you are a little overcommitted or feel like you're doing too much, but in four years, you will not regret your decisions if you love what you do!
“As a sophomore, Jenn broke new ground by presenting to a roomful of professionals at the biennial Midwest Writing Centers Association conference. But Jenn models this same dedication to professionalism every day as a Reading/Writing Center tutor. She shares her enthusiasm with each student while providing constructive criticism to help them grow. Her commitment to seeing the best in people helps them, in turn, to do their best work.”