Morgan Mowbray
Graduation year: 2018
Major: English
Minor: Religion
Activities: Augustana Dance Company, Vikettes Dance Team, Zeta Phi Kappa sorority
Internship: Editorial intern with Scholastic Books in New York City
Post-grad plans: My plan and dream is to move to New York City, where I will work as an editorial assistant to get my start in a publishing career.
Why Augustana?
When I first visited, I fell in love with Augustana. Even though it was a during a bad snowstorm, I could see how beautiful the campus was, and I could imagine myself living there for the next four years. I was inspired by the faculty, and the student community was so welcoming. I just knew that I could do all the things I love here.
Are you where you thought you’d be when you first came to campus?
Yes and no. I always knew I would be an English major and would be on the career path I am now, and Augustana has helped me get there. But what I didn't know is how many connections I would create with my classmates and my professors, both of which are going to make it so hard to graduate and leave because they have shaped me into the person that I am today.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
Truly so many people that it would take too long to thank each of them properly in this answer. But I guess that first I should say my parents, who have always been so supportive. Then there is all of the faculty that have helped me in and out of the classroom. Specifically, Dr. Meg Gillette and Professor Sarah McDowell for their guidance and support over the years. And then all my friends who helped me stay sane on a day-to-day basis and the relationships we've built that I will always treasure.
Peak experience?
My peak experience would have to be my study-away program in New York City. It was so amazing getting to travel to such a fun city and live independently. It was also amazing to get to see and explore the city, and that is why I so want to go back.
What surprised you?
I am not the same person who came to Augustana. I have found a new confidence in myself and have found what it takes to succeed. College is where I pushed myself the most and conquered more than I could have imagined. I could say that this has surprised me, but it hasn't because this is why people come to a place like Augustana—for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and the endless hands-on support from everyone around you.
How did you use Augie Choice?
I used my Augie Choice to travel to New York City where I had my internship with Scholastic Books. This was an amazing opportunity that would not have been possible without Augustana.
What will you miss the most?
Truly everything. From my wonderful friends that I've met at dance practices to my sisters who have always been there for me. I'm going to miss taking new and interesting classes and learning from these amazing professors. I'm going to miss the basketball games, Homecoming activities, and even just the walk down the Slough path before a morning class. I'm going to miss everything that makes me proud to be part of the Augustana community.
Advice for the Class of 2022?
I know it sounds cliché, but try everything and don't miss any opportunity. You never know who is waiting around the corner that will change your life forever, but you won't find out if you don't put yourself out there and try. Find what makes you excited and pursue it; there is something for everyone here. These four years are going to go faster than you can imagine, so enjoy it while you can.
“From the very beginning, Morgan was incredibly excited to be in college—and she never lost that excitement. She explored every facet of the major and was well-equipped for her internship in New York. Yet literature is not just work to Morgan: it’s life. Reading is exploring, learning and sharing. I’ll miss our advising meetings/book discussions, but Morgan’s excitement for her future is infectious. I’m eager to hear what happens next in her story!”