Grey White
Graduation year: 2024
High school: Lincoln-Way Central High School
Hometown: Mokena, Ill.
Majors: Theatre – musical theatre; business administration – management
Campus activities: Augustana Concert Choral, theatre (stage management, tech, acting and directing)
Internship: Skellington Manor, Rock Island, in the summer of 2023 (tech intern)
Post-grad plans: Manager of performance halls and arts events for Augustana
Why Augustana?
Augustana is a far more personalized school than any other school I was looking at in high school. When you go to a bigger school, you may never have a one-on-one talk with your teachers and never get to know them outside of the classroom — where here you are able to get to know your teachers and peers better.
Augustana also encourages its students to try new and multiple things and will allow leeway in your schedule to participate in many activities at once.
Are you where you thought you'd be when you first came to campus?
Theatre Tech was not something that I ever thought I was going to explore in depth and learn to love, but being pushed to try it was something that truly changed the way that I look at theatre and gave me a whole new love for it.
During my first year of college, I was unable to explore theatre due to COVID, which made me nervous to try things on campus when I finally got here, but the faculty and staff pushed me to try it, and that is why I am where I am today.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
Many people helped shape me into the person I am today, and it will be difficult to name all of them. First, my parents have always encouraged me to try new things and be myself whenever possible. Without my parents, I wouldn't be able to be here, graduating from Augustana.
Of course I would also like to thank the faculty who have encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and apply for different opportunities. My advisors, Prof. Shelley Cooper and Dr. David Thornblad, helped me figure out my busy schedule and encouraged me to try out different opportunities. Also, Dr. Jennifer Popple as well as Prof. Michael Turczynski for pushing me to join Theatre Tech, as well as to try out my crazy ideas. Without their support, I would not be trying the different things that I am today.
I would also like to thank my friends for their constant support on my projects and being there to talk to when I needed to.
Peak experience?
When I started college, I truly thought that I would drift along in the theatre scene and not ever get a notable role. However, my last two years at Augie proved me wrong, and I am able to direct "Private Lives" for my theatre Senior Inquiry. This was not even a thought that crossed my mind, but I will be forever thankful for being able to have this opportunity to try something new and different.
What surprised you?
I came into this school loving theatre, but I discovered a whole new love of theatre when I found out how big tech was. I never knew before Augie that a stage manager was a role, but I am so glad I discovered that because that role along with directing are my favorite roles.
How did you use your Augie Choice?
I received my Augie Choice by participating in an Internship at Skellington Manor. I used this money to fund "Private Lives," the play I directed for my theatre Senior Inquiry.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss the close-knit atmosphere that Augie and Augustana theatre have to offer and the different activities you can participate in. Of course you can participate in things like theatre and choir outside of college but being able to just join on a whim is not as easy.
Advice for the Class of 2028?
Use the resources provided to you; that is why they are there. Talk to professors about your plans and projects so they can help you figure them out. Use tutors in the library or study groups in class to help you through classes that you don't fully grasp, so you don't fall behind.
"Grey is an incredibly well-rounded artist, who has shown incredible growth over their time with us. He has excelled in roles both on stage and off, making his passion for the art evident in every project he works on. He always approaches every challenge with a great attitude and willingness to do it right. The future is bright for him no matter what path they choose, and I am so excited to see what the future holds for him."