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Campus update for April 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
Dear students,

Senior Patti Grod has a schedule and she's sticking to it. A day in her life includes classes, homework hours, exercise time, tan time and of course, Netflix time.
Her day starts at 6 a.m. (You will have to read on to find out why so early!)
Blogustana: A day in the life: distance learning
Congratulations to Brenna Parson for bringing glory to our Classics department! She is Augustana's first recipient of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South Award for Outstanding Accomplishment in Classical Studies.
CAMWS is one of the two largest organizations for Classics in the U.S. Parson is a senior from DeKalb, Ill.
If you have an award to share, send the info to
Speaking of Classics: Our first virtual lecture by a visiting scholar will be Monday at 4:30. Find out how the Romans thought about and experienced their empire's extraordinary ethnic and geographical diversity. Email Kirsten Day for an invite.
Today's updates:
• If you would like to serve in the Student Government Association Senate next year, apply now. For more info, contact Peyton Couch or Kaitlyn Watkins, your newly elected president and vice president.
• Campus Cupboard will be open tomorrow from 2:30-3:30 p.m.
• Augustana Students for Life is hosting a virtual baby item drive. Items can be purchased on Amazon and sent directly to the Women's Choice Center in Bettendorf, a local non-profit that provides resources to expectant mothers and new parents in need.
• What are you doing at 3:30 today? Maybe you could use some advice on maintaining relationships...
• You've got one more day to enter the Quad City Playwrights Festival we sponsor.
• Katie Petravick is hosting career development drop-ins today and Friday. See times on the calendar grid.
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Social post of the Day: Women's track & field getting into the "spring" of things!
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From Dr. James Lambrecht: "Inspired by last weekend’s effort to recognize student athletes by turning on athletic field lights, I came into Centennial Hall and took a picture with the lights on to celebrate our student musicians — especially our seniors. The hall is just where we left it March 13 — mid strike — between dress rehearsals for the March 15 band concerts and the jazz ensemble concert that was canceled..."