Note: The contents of this page are saved for archival purposes only. For the most up-to-date information about Augustana's COVID-19 response, visit
Campus update: COVID information for spring semester
Please note an important clarification to this update:
Those who are vaccinated and eligible to boost but have not yet boosted are required to participate in surveillance testing on Feb. 1 in the PepsiCo Center, between 1-6 p.m.
However, at this time, those who are vaccinated but who are not boosted are not subject to ongoing weekly surveillance testing throughout the spring semester.
Jan. 26, 2022
The spring semester starts in one week, and our campus efforts to mitigate the risks related to COVID-19, as recommended by the CDC, continue. It is our goal to keep the number of COVID cases at Augustana to a minimum in order to continue live classes and the full range of student activities, but we need your continuing help.

The CDC has updated its definitions regarding boosters and initial vaccination.
Up to date means a person has received all recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including any booster dose(s) when eligible.
Fully vaccinated means a person has received their primary series of COVID-19 vaccines.
Your role and responsibilities will depend on your vaccination status.
→ If you are up-to-date on vaccinations
Most important next step: Make sure your vaccination card, with booster shot information, has been uploaded: (if you haven’t already). You will not be required to participate in surveillance testing and, because you followed public health advice, the college will not charge you for the costs of off-campus quarantine or isolation.
→ Vaccinated not boosted (fully vaccinated)
Most important next step: Get boosted, and/or determine when you can receive a booster shot:
If you are eligible for a booster, but not boosted
You will be required to participate in surveillance testing on Feb. 1 in the PepsiCo Center, starting at 1 p.m.
You will be required to quarantine if you are a close contact (as defined by public health). If you do not go home or make other arrangements, you will be required to pay the hotel fees associated with quarantine and isolation as they are not reimbursable to the college through FEMA.
Protect yourself and loved ones and save yourself the hassle by getting boosted!
If you are not yet eligible for a booster
You should determine what day you become eligible for the booster shot.
On the day you become eligible for the booster, you should get boosted, or you will be subject to the details outlined above.
If you are currently positive for COVID and are unable to get boosted, contact Public Safety, 309-794-7711 to inform the college.
→ Not vaccinated
Most important next steps: You will be required to:
• Participate in surveillance testing on Feb. 1 in PepsiCo between 1-6 p.m.
• Continue to take part in weekly surveillance testing.
• You will be subject to fees associated with quarantine and isolation.
The BIG 3: Advice on COVID-19
1. Keep your pod small. When you keep your social group small you lessen your chances of contracting COVID, you decrease your odds of spreading it, and you narrow the number of close contacts when a positive case arises.
2. Go to to order your free at-home COVID tests provided by the federal government. These can be sent to your residence hall address if you so choose.
3. Wear a well-fitted mask. Find one that best fits to cover your nose, mouth and chin, without gaps. Check out "Your Guide to Masks" from the CDC.
More about masks
A properly worn and fitted mask:
• Covers the nose AND chin.
• Fits snugly around your face with NO gaps.
• Should NOT be pulled under your chin.
• On campus, wear a mask indoors, in public spaces.
If your mask is uncomfortable, adjust it or wear a different mask.
You can get another free N95 mask. They are available for pick up in:
• Dean of Students Office, Founders Hall - first floor
• Office of Student Life (OSL), Gerber Center – near the Brew
The college will provide KN95 masks in February; more details to come.
Augustana’s policies are reevaluated continually, and we will provide weekly updates as the semester progresses. It is the goal of college leaders to return to normal operations as soon as possible.