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Campus update for May 13, 2020
May 13, 2020
Dear students,

It's not easy, but your arts and music faculty are putting some serious creative chops into distance learning.
Learn about "Broadway boot camp," kitchen table studio, and a seriously upbeat attitude.
Particle-ularly good at physics
Big shout-out to Georgia Votta ’21, who has been awarded a $5,000 Rossing Physics Scholarship for next year. She is one of only 11 students in the country to win the scholarship.
Today's updates:
• Parking permits are on sale. Students who are returning to campus for a scheduled move-out can buy their parking permits for 2020-2021 while they are on campus. The Facilities Office will be open from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. today and Thursday, May 14.
If you did not buy a parking permit for next year before leaving campus for the summer, you will get a packet in the mail over the summer.
• The Reading/Writing Center is still open to help. Here are hours and services.
• Applications for Holden Village, the Mojave Desert, Mexico and Paris J-term study away programs has been extended on a first-come, first-serve basis. Also, there is still time to apply for spring semester and summer 2021 programs.
• Dance Marathon is taking applications for leadership positions for next year. Applications are due by 5 p.m. today!
• Friday is the deadline for you to change a course to pass/no-credit or withdraw from a course. If you have not talked to your advisor about these options, now is the time. Check out this FAQ. If questions, contact the Office of Advising.
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Today's blog: Senior Christian Elliott on the limits of videoconferencing
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If you ever get a chance to tour the art collection at Deere headquarters in neighboring Moline, take it! You will see artists from around the globe. Augustana Professor Rowen Schussheim-Anderson’s "Landrise" is one of the newest works in the collection.