Note: The contents of this page are saved for archival purposes only. For the most up-to-date information about Augustana's COVID-19 response, visit
Campus update for Oct. 2, 2020
Oct. 2, 2020
As we prepare for an election, let's encourage each other

→ Be engaged, ethical citizens.
→ Take time for deep discussions and to listen.
→ Use your energy to volunteer, learn or advance your cause, but not to tear down the other.
→ Choose your words wisely, because communication can come with consequences.
→ Remember that even in close-knit communities like ours, people come from different backgrounds and have differing viewpoints.
→ Avoid assumptions that people who have different beliefs or opinions are hateful or bad, though they may lack awareness, experiences or knowledge that we have.
→ Remember the best way to persuade people is to win both their hearts and minds, through care and thoughtful dialogue.
→ Never be hateful or hate-filled ourselves. Choose love over hate.
→ Be confident and passionate in our own personal beliefs, while understanding others feel confidently and passionate about another candidate or the opposite side of an issue.
→ Remember your public social media posts may receive replies you don’t anticipate.
→ Get familiar with the Augustana Community Principles and the statement on freedom of expression.
→ Always, always know you are appreciated as an individual and cherished as a person, and this is a place that values diversity and difference, and welcomes all people.
→ Know that this place was made for you.
Today's updates:
• We'll have an emergency drill from 8-9 a.m. next Thursday, Oct. 8. Make sure you are signed up for Augie Alerts in advance.
The goal is to test our emergency communication tools, outdoor alert sirens, and behind-the-scenes leadership roles.
Saturday: Banned Books Week Kahoot 3 p.m.; OSL Comedy Club 6 p.m. Sunday: Outdoor Mass 10:30 a.m.
Looking for new members: Boundless Health and Wellness, Pre-SOMA
Families can now file the 2021-2022 FAFSA. The recommended deadline is Nov. 1. Our school code is 001633. You will report 2019 tax data, and we encourage you to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to help. Email or call Financial Aid with questions, 309-794-7207.

Let the sun shine!
Solar photo-voltaic (PV) modules are here! These will go on the PepsiCo Rec Center. Plans are also to put the solar panels on Carver P.E. Center, Centennial Hall and Westerlin. Once fully installed, solar power is projected to provide about 8% of the college’s annual electric energy.