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Reporters join students in water sampling

 Media representatives joined Augustana College students and faculty for a water sampling exercise.

Family Tree Software review

The Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center at Augustana will offer a Family Tree Software review.

Film: 'Stranger than Fiction'

Augustana Leaders in Vocational Exploration (ALIVE) will show the film "Stranger than Fiction," starring Will Ferrell.

All are welcome to see the film, join a discussion and enjoy a gourmet popcorn bar.

Opening reception: Works by Peter Xiao

An opening reception will be held for "Thingamajigs and Right-Facing Nudes," works by Dr. Peter Xiao of Augustana College.

Mr. Augustana

Mr. Augustana is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society sponsored by Chi Alpha Pi.

This is the 20th year for the annual event. Male contestants perform a dance and a talent, show off their formal and swim wear, and participate in Q&A.

8x8 chess club meeting

The 8x8 Chess Club will meet during this time. They will play casual, instructional games, participate in opening/puzzle studies and occasionally hold events ranging from beginner boot camps to tournaments.

Meetings will occur weekly at this time.

Mahjong club

The Mahjong club hosts a tutorial session and competitive play. There will be traditional snacks provided. No experience necessary.

Oktoberfest fundraiser

The Speeds and Roundels will host their annual Oktoberfest from 4-7. The event will offer games and raffle prizes with food and drink available.

Proceeds will go to Closet2Closet, a local nonprofit that helps supply clothes and hygiene products to youth and families.

Hispanic Film Festival begins Oct. 26

Augustana College will sponsor its 26th annual Hispanic Film Festival on Wednesdays, Oct. 26-Nov. 30. All films will be shown at 7 p.m. in Hanson Hall of Science, Room 102. Films are free and open to the public.

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