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Office of Disability Services: Alex Crawford

Alex Crawford, director of academic support services, will talk about her role at Augustana and explains what academic success resources are available to all students.

National First-Generation College Student Day

Augustana College will celebrate National First-Generation College Student Day from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Brew: Stop by  and pick up a special Augie 1Gen sticker.

Augustana offers social justice microscholarship for second year

Augustana College again will offer the innovative Justice and Social Change Microscholarship of $1,000 a year, renewable for four years.

Senior Recital: A.J. Weber

Tenor A.J. Weber will present a Senior Recital. He is a vocal music education major from Cary, Ill.

Squid games

Join MPB and ASO as they collaborate on a Late Night program.

Fika Coffee Break

Fika is a Swedish practice of taking a break together to enjoy coffee and a snack. It is about making time during our day to connect and restore. 

All faculty and staff are invited to Fika.

College announces second GIS Day Nov. 13

Andrew Johnson '10, a senior product engineer at ESRI, will be the featured speaker at Augustana's second GIS Day Nov. 13.

Finals Prep Workshop

The Learning Commons will offer a Finals Prep Workshop for students interested in learning more efficient and productive ways to prepare for final exams.

Learn how to create a study plan, refine your study and test-taking strategies, and reduce test anxiety.

Film: 'The Mask You Live In'

The Office of Sexual Assault Prevention Education will show "The Mask You Live In," in celebration of International Men's Day.

This 2015 documentary film explores notions about masculinity, and the impact of gender socialization and representation.

Hack3D printing

Join the Augie coding club as they learn about modeling objects and 3D printing.

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