Search Results
SAC P:151 Eugene Theodore Lindeen autobiography, 1948
The collection consists of a 4-page autobiography written by Augustana Synod pastor Eugene Theodore Lindeen on May 18, 1948 in Altona, Illinois. Lindeen was born in Swedesburg, Iowa in 1870. Lindeen was ordained in 1899 and served numerous Swedish-American Lutheran Churches in the Midwest.
SAC P:145 David W. Swanson manuscript, 1953
David Warren Swanson attended Augustana College from 1952-1953. Collection contains one manuscript written by Swanson titled “Bibliography of American Immigration Fiction and Suggestions for a Unit of Study Based upon American Immigration Fiction,” written in May 1953 for Dr. O. Fritiof Ander’s course “Teaching of Social Studies.”
Campus mourns President Emeritus Tredway
Dr. Thomas Tredway, president emeritus of Augustana College, died on Sunday, April 10, after a brief illness. He was 86.
Five faculty teaching at 37th CommUniversity
CommUniversity, a series of Sunday classes taught by area experts, will begin its 37th year in February. The annual non-profit event is coordinated by a board of directors from local colleges, churches, libraries and other community organizations. Five Augustana faculty will teach classes at CommUniversity this year.
Class Notes
News from alumni received as of Aug. 30, 2018.
Swenson Center Faculty Research Stipend
The Swenson Center offers a Faculty Research Stipend for Augustana College faculty members. Applications due May 15!
Digital Projects
The Swenson Center has digitized a small portion of its collections. These resources are available to view online.