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Showing 3011 - 3020 of 7589 results.

6 steps to help you choose a college when you have great choices
If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed with making a final college decision, you’re not alone. This is one of the first big decisions you get to make in your adult life. Where will you call home for the next four years?

More Than I Imagined
Lauren Judge
“When I visited campus, I immediately felt like I belonged there.”Read More

More Than I Imagined
Rob Williams
“Dr. Calder generously allowed me to join his research project and let me present the work in settings that are usually closed to undergraduates.”Read More

More Than I Imagined
Lexie Aguilar
“My music professors have made the most impact on my life.”Read More

The Ultimate Guide to College Financial Aid
If you're getting financial aid award letters from multiple institutions, know that they may present their cost aand your awards in different ways. It can be confusing and hard to make a true apples-to-apples comparison.
That's why we're here to help you understand the jargon and find the true cost.

More Than I Imagined
Jessica Gerdisch
“I learned that I am much more of a leader than I ever thought I was.”Read More
The Establishment
220 19th Street
Rock Island, IL 61201
United States

More Than I Imagined
Ariana Solis
“My amazing professors saw promise in me that I could never have found on my own.”Read More