Seriously good work by seniors shows they’re ready
Guided by a favorite faculty member, Augustana students complete a substantial project on a topic of choice in their senior year. These Senior Inquiry projects vary as much as the individuals within Augustana’s 90+ academic programs. Along with pride of accomplishment and kudos, students have a valuable project for their résumés and professional portfolios when they're finished.
Due to COVID-19, there was no Celebration of Learning to showcase their work this year. But seniors showed grit and talent in completing excellent Senior Inquiry projects, and they made their professors proud.
Snapshots of Senior Inquiry
Art seniors can showcase their projects in the Augustana Teaching Museum of Art, though visitors must view them online. Professor Kelvin Mason is especially proud of the work of Ali Muksed, who created new typefaces in Arabic.
Music senior Evan Sammons wrote “Christus Victor and Constitutive Rhetoric: J.S. Bach’s Formation of a People in the St. John Passion.” Professor of Music Dr. Janina Ehrlich and Sammons' review committee called the 30-page paper “probably the best music SI we’ve ever read.”
And in computer science, Dr. Forrest Stonedahl sent examples of some fascinating work from a couple of teams:
– Maegan Patterson, Danny Tenorio, Genesis Sarmiento and Thomas Ayele developed an Android mobile app for learning ham radio call signs (transmitted in Morse code). Dr. Stonedahl said, “They worked with Dr. Mark Vincent (Augustana psychology professor and ham radio enthusiast), who provided the goal/inspiration for the project.”
See the ham radio Android app team’s blog post.
– Ehren Braun, Evan St. Paul, Larsen Harvey and Jacob Connors developed a marketplace web application for Augustana students to list items to buy or sell. Their team’s final blog post includes a video walkthrough. And though it only has sample items for sale right now, the web-app is live for anyone with an Augustana email address.