2024-25 catalog
MARTIN COE, Professor
BA, St. Ambrose University; MBA, St. Ambrose University; DBA, St. Ambrose University; CPA, Illinois; CISA, CISM, CMA, CGMA, CGFM
JOHN DELANEY, S. James Galley Professor in Accounting
BA, Loras College; MBA, University of Iowa; DBA, St. Ambrose University; CPA, Illinois; CMA, CIA
AMY FORD, Assistant Professor
BB, MAcc, Western Illinois University; CPA, Iowa; CMA, FMAA
CHRIS HELLER, Part-time Instructor of Accounting
BA, MBA, St. Ambrose University
NADIA SCHWARTZ, Associate Professor, Chair
BA, Ryazan State Agricultural Academy; MAcc, Western Illinois University; CPA, Illinois
MAJOR IN ACCOUNTING. 32 credits including ACCT-200 or 201, ACCT-202, ACCT-311, ACCT-313, ACCT-314, ACCT-321, ACCT-322,ACCT-456, and 2 credits of electives. Required supporting courses (12 credits): DATA-101, ECON-200 and BUSN-211 or MATH-315.
MINOR IN ACCOUNTING. 16 credits including ACCT-200 or 201, ACCT-202, ACCT-321, and 4 additional accounting credits. Required supporting courses for the major are not required for the minor.
A 1.67 grade-point average in accounting classes is required for enrollment in any course beyond ACCT-202.
To assist accounting students reach 150 credits, as is required by most states for an eligible candidate to sit for the CPA exam, Augustana has designed a program for students with this goal in mind. The Accounting Extended Learning Program provides an opportunity for students to complete the additional coursework beyond the requirements of the accounting major with a reasonable annual participation fee.
All degree-seeking Augustana students are allowed to take up to 34 credits each academic year under the Augustana tuition plan. Students who enroll in the Accounting Extended Learning Program will be allowed to enroll in an additional four credits per year (6 credits if internship) for an additional fee of $1600 per year. The additional credits under this program can apply to any term, including summer school.
To participate in this program, students must:
• submit completed paperwork to declare a major in accounting no later than week six of spring semester in the year under which they first participate;
• complete an application for the Accounting Extended Learning Program;
• pay the participation fee within published deadlines;
• meet with their accounting advisor every term prior to registration;
• register within all published deadlines and continuously pursue coursework for an accounting major in order to maintain progress toward a degree;
• plan to attend a minimum eight (8) semesters at Augustana (excluding J-term and summer school). Students who graduate in less than eight (8) semesters will be charged the differential between the normal overload fee and the fee charged under the Accounting Extended Learning Program.
Additional policy information:
- students will be billed in July for the following academic year or at the time of enrollment if it occurs at another time during the academic year;
- students will continuously be enrolled and billed for the program unless they end participation;.
- students may receive a refund for the program if they complete the paperwork to end their participation by the end of the first week of fall semester;.
the fees are non-refundable after week one of fall semester.
In addition, students may choose to register up to six of the annual credits at the conclusion of the academic year for an advisor-approved summer internship, for a maximum of 12 internship credits.
Unused credits do not roll over year to year. Students who exceed 38 credits (40 if they choose internship credit) including summer, will be responsible for the associated overload fees. Students who do not annually meet the above criteria will be dropped from the program, but may choose to continue to pursue an accounting major or other majors outside of this program. Students may choose to rejoin the program a subsequent year if they meet the above criteria.
Grade Point Average Notation: All courses listed in the catalog as required courses for any major and/or minor, including those courses outside of the department or with a different subject coding, are considered part of the major and will count in the grade point average. Recommended supporting courses that are optional and not required may also count in the major depending on the program. For more information see your department chair or the degree requirements for Bachelor of Arts and information on Majors/Minors.