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Geography course catalog

2024-25 catalog

JEANETTE C. ARKLE, Assistant Professor (Environmental Studies), Program Manager of Upper Mississippi Center for Sustainable Communities
B.S., B.A., M.S. California State University, Fullerton; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati

JENNIFER BURNHAM, Professor and Division Dean of STEM
A.B., Augustana; M.S., Illinois; Ph.D., Washington

THEODORE DINGEMANS, Part time Instructor
M.S., Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno

CHRISTOPHER R. STRUNK, Associate Professor and Chair
B.A., Wesleyan University; M.A., Ph.D., Minnesota

MAJOR IN GEOGRAPHY. 34 credits. Geographic Fundamentals (12 credits) includes one course with a physical geography orientation from GEOG-105 or GEOG-106; one course with an urban and cultural geography orientation from GEOG-120, GEOG-123 or GEOG-130; one course with a human-environment orientation from GEOG-230, 303, 307, 331 or 332. Geographic Skills and Inquiry (14 credits) includes all of: GEOG-270, GEOG-273 or 274, GEOG-372, GEOG-472, and GEOG-473. Electives (8 credits) includes two courses selected from one of three advising tracks (GIS and Technology, Urban and Cultural Geography, or Physical and Environmental Geography). See geography advisor for details.

Recommended supporting courses: J term regional field experience (GEOG-230), a statistics course (PSYC-240, BUSN-211, or SOAN-227), writing courses (ENGL-225), Public speaking and communications courses (COMM-101, 201 or 204), research methods skills (SOAN -201 or HIST-300), geography internship, or participation in a study away program. See geography advisor for additional recommended courses depending upon student interests.

MINOR IN GEOGRAPHY. 20 credits. Geographic Fundamentals (12 credits) includes one course with a physical geography orientation from GEOG-105 or GEOG-106; one course with a urban and cultural geography orientation from GEOG-120 or GEOG-130; and one course a human-environment orientation (GEOG-230, 303, 307, 331 or 332). Geography Skills and Inquiry (4 credits) includes GEOG-270 and GEOG-472. Electives (4 credits) includes one of the following courses (different from Geographic Fundamentals courses)GEOG- 100, 200, 273 or 274, 303, 306, 307, 323, 331, 332, 339, 372, 375, or 475.

Geography is a "bridge" discipline that overlaps the traditional division between the natural and the social sciences. Some courses in the department have a natural science orientation (PN) while others have a social science orientation (PS or PP and may have a D or G designation).

MINOR IN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 16 credits. The Geographic Information Science and Technology Experiential Minor is 16 credits, distributed as follows: GEOG 273 or 274, GEOG 372, GIST 375, and GIST 475. The GIST minor also recommends a GIS-related 0-4 credit internship of at least 80 hours.

Grade Point Average Notation: All courses listed in the catalog as required courses for any major and/or minor, including those courses outside of the department or with a different subject coding, are considered part of the major and will count in the grade point average. Some departments may have additional grade requirements for the courses offered within their department. Recommended supporting courses that are optional and not required may also count in the major depending on the program. For more information see your department chair or the degree requirements for Bachelor of Arts and information on Majors/Minors.

Courses (GEOG)

Louisiana students

Students map their skills to solve coastal, human problems

Augustana students have been working with the Grand Caillou/Dulac Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw tribal community in Louisiana to develop a spatial database for use in planning how to restore the coast and mitigate rising water.

Lazlow Ziebel

Lazlow Ziebel '25 named Lincoln Academy student laureate

Senior Lazlow Ziebel is Augustana's 2024 Lincoln Academy laureate. He was nominated by President Andrea Talentino for his contributions to sustainability efforts and advancing diversity and inclusivity initiatives.

Augustana Geography anniversary logo

Augustana celebrates geography department’s 75th anniversary

The public is invited to presentations at the John Deere Planetarium during the anniversary weekend to hear how Augustana alumni are leading and contributing to important work in their chosen fields today.