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Geology student research 2014-15

Geology majors are required to complete a senior research project under the direction of one of the faculty members, completing GEOL4501 (Introduction to Research) and GEOL451 (Senior Research). Completion of GEOL451 requires a written senior thesis and public presentation of results, typically at a Geological Society of America professional meeting. Student research projects vary with interest and funding.

Joey Romero '15

Joey Romero, 2015
The Effects of Clay on Glycerol/Carboxylic Acid Polymerization: Implications of Mineral Controls on Prebiotic Chemistry

Brian Trausch '15

Brian Trausch, 2015
Grain Mineralogy, Provenance, and Environmental Issues of Lake Michigan Sands

Ryan Urbanski '15

Ryan Urbanski, 2015
Spatial Analysis of Lead Concentrations in Soil around the Historic Broadway District of Rock Island, Illinois

Grant Bell '15

Grant Bell, 2015
Textural Analysis of Halite Under Accelerated Growth: A Proxy for Evaporite Formation

Evan Blodgett '15

Evan Blodgett, 2015
Analysis of Color and Clarity Change in Heat Treated Gem Spinel

Kevin Gosiewski '15

Kevin Gosiewski, 2015
LIDAR Detection of Unstable Slopes in Rock Island County, Illinois

Cody Johnson '15

Cody Johnson, 2015
Determining Weathering Processes of the Great Unconformity in the Northern Rocky Moutains

Luke Lampo '15

Luke Lampo, 2015
Water Quality, Chemistry, and Hydrology of Salt Creek in Northeastern Illinois

Will Lardner '15

Will Lardner, 2015
The Relationships Between Mean Bed Load Diameter, Channel Morphology, and Drainable Basin Area at Knickpoints of Mill Creek, Illinois

Brandon Metoyer '15

Brandon Metoyer, 2015
Variety and Identification of Theropod Teeth from the Early Jurassic Hanson Formation of the Central Transantarctic Mountains

Fallon Meyer '15

Fallon Meyer, 2015
Mercury Contamination in Arctic Seabird Eggs from Northwestern Greenland

Stephanie Pedersen '15

Stephanie Pedersen, 2015
Osteohistology of a New Sauropodomorph Dinosaur from Antarctica

Ryan Plath '15

Ryan Plath, 2015
Geochemical Analysis of Surface Materials Surrounding a Mine Superfund Site near Galena, Illinois

Diana Boudreau

Diana Boudreau, 2014
Osteohistology of Cryolophosaurus Ellioti: Tempo and Mode of Growth in a  Large-Bodied Polar Dinosaur 

Jordan Carey

Jordan Carey, 2014
Effects of Basin Subsidence on Experimental Delta Sedimentation Patterns and Surface Morphology

Lauren Kirik

Lauren Kirik, 2014
Characterizing Hydrothermal Fluid Flow of Post-Variscan Ore Deposits in Nebida, SW Sardinia 

Brian Konecke

Brian Konecke, 2014
Solubility and Stability of Beryllium-Silicates in Haplogranitic Melts

Cesar Lira

Cesar Lira, 2014
Nutrient Slug on a Declining Transect of a Gravel-Hill Prairie, Winnebago County

Alexis McAdams

Alexis McAdams, 2014
Exploring the Relationship Between Megathrust Earthquakes and Intraplate Stress Fields in Japanese Subduction Zones

Darrick McCarthy

Darrick McCarthy, 2014
Geochemical Analyses of the Heavy Metal Content in the Clay/Silt Sediment of a Small Stream System that has been Subject to Overflowfrom a Sewage Treatment Plant 

Matt Osman

Matt Osman, 2014
Employing Passive Acoustics as a Temporally Precise Monologue for Constraining Ebullitive Methane Fluxes in Warming Subarctic Lakes 

Mike Spehlman

Michael Spehlmann, 2014
Lead Uptake in Lemna Minor (Duckweed) at Different Acidities

Steven Trent

Steven Trent, 2014
Hydrothermal Alteration of the Butler Hill Granite, St. Francois Mountains, SE Missouri

Grant Wick

Grant Wick, 2014
A Forensic Geoscience Approach of Comparing Evidence and Field Samples in Connection with a 23-year-old Missing Persons/Murder Cold Case 

John Deere Planetarium

Planetarium and geology museum to host May 3 open house

Augustana College's John Deere Planetarium and Fryxell Geology Museum will be open to the public on Saturday, May 3, for the annual spring open house. Indoor and outdoor programs will be offered in the planetarium, observatory and geology museum.

Holden Village students posing for a photo before heading to the village.

Five years of Augustana’s January Term

Augustana College students take a break from their 15-week semester schedule to engage in a month-long period of intensive learning during January Term, or J-term. This three-and-a-half week course was added as part of the college’s transition to semesters in 2019-2020.

Makayla Thumb

Unearthing students' love for geology

Four Augustana students have hit the ground running with their summer geology internships. Projects include studying the formation and evolution of ancient mountain belts, paleontology research, studying geological maps in zinc mines and installing seismometers for earthquake detection.