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Geology student research 2019-20

Shah Ali 2020

Detrital Zircon Geochronology of the Cambrian Flathead and Deadwood Sandstone of Wyoming and South Dakota: An Analysis of Provenance and Sediment Dispersal Patterns


Lukas Karuza 2020

Geochemical Analysis and Heat-Treatment of Natural Sapphires from Mozambique and Tanzania in Oxidizing and Reducing Conditions


Joshua Malone 2020

Late Jurassic Dinosaurs on the Move: Gastroliths and Long-Distance Migration


Michael Sell 2020

Heavy Mineralogy of Bedload Sediment in the Upper Mississippi River and the Influence of Tributaries


Adam Borgetti, 2019

Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Late Wisconsin Glacial Erratics from Western Indiana: Implications for Provenance and Lobe Advance

Paige Gerhart, 2019

Spectroscopic Fingerprinting of Fluorescent Gems

Matthew Harrington, 2019

Identifying Dietary and Migratory Patterns of Illinois Mammuthus Primigenius Populations Using Isotope Analysis of Carbon, Oxygen, and Strontium

Bethany Hobart, 2019

Scanning Electron Microscopy of Lithophysae and 3-D Visualization of the Internal Structure of Banded Agate Nodules

Lauren Judge, 2019

Genetic Sequencing for Measuring Biodiversity in Recent and Ancient Marine Sediments

Sierra Kindley, 2019

Identifying Spatial Variance in the Geochemistry of Shallow Marine Sediments: A Study of Grand Cayman

Katherine Ludwig, 2019

Geochronology of the Chinchín Formation in Southern Ecuador

Joshua Pearson, 2019

Holocene Paleoclimate Record of Northern Iowa Recorded in Flowstone

Jill Reale, 2019

Effects of Heat Treatment on Spinels as Determined by VIS/NIR and Raman Spectroscopy and XRD

John Deere Planetarium

Planetarium and geology museum to host May 3 open house

Augustana College's John Deere Planetarium and Fryxell Geology Museum will be open to the public on Saturday, May 3, for the annual spring open house. Indoor and outdoor programs will be offered in the planetarium, observatory and geology museum.

Holden Village students posing for a photo before heading to the village.

Five years of Augustana’s January Term

Augustana College students take a break from their 15-week semester schedule to engage in a month-long period of intensive learning during January Term, or J-term. This three-and-a-half week course was added as part of the college’s transition to semesters in 2019-2020.

Makayla Thumb

Unearthing students' love for geology

Four Augustana students have hit the ground running with their summer geology internships. Projects include studying the formation and evolution of ancient mountain belts, paleontology research, studying geological maps in zinc mines and installing seismometers for earthquake detection.