Augustana International and Off-Campus program refund policies
A deposit of $300 is required for all applications. This document outlines policies for withdrawal from a program after acceptance and the policies pertaining to the refund of the initial deposit and subsequent program charges should a student withdraw from a program.
Please read this document carefully and share it with anyone who might be assisting you with the payments for your study away experience. You will receive a second copy of this document when upon acceptance to a study away program.
1. A full refund of the $300 deposit will be returned to any student not accepted to the program to which they have applied.
2. A refund of $265 will be given to any student accepted into a program who then withdraws prior to the first program payment date. Thirty-five dollars is retained to cover administrative costs.
3. One month prior to the first payment date all students should receive at their permanent address a billing statement from Augustana’s Business Office. This statement will outline the program costs, any deductions from anticipated financial aid and will outline the anticipated payments for all upcoming payment due dates.
4. All students are expected to make a payment by the first payment date, even if financial aid will cover significant portions of the program charge. Students who fail to make a payment by the first payment date can be withdrawn from the program roster. Your billing statement will indicate the total to be deposited with Augustana for each billing date.
5. As of the first payment date, the college will make nonrefundable deposits for airfare or other program expenses, funds which are not recoverable should a student withdraw. For this reason a full refund is not possible after this date unless a student is replaced by another student from a program waitlist. In cases where a student from the waitlist replaces the withdrawing student, the withdrawing student will be eligible for a refund of all deposited funds minus the $35 administrative fee cited in section 2 above.
6. If there are no students on the wait list to replace the withdrawing student, the withdrawing student will receive all monies minus a) any non-refundable costs already expended on his or her behalf and b) any portion of the “fixed costs” of the program (i.e., those costs which are shared by the whole group rather than based on individual participation). This can be a significant portion of a program’s cost and may exceed the portion of the total payment which was due as of the first payment date.
7. In the event that a student withdraws from the program after the first payment date but has failed to make the payment required, that student will be billed for the total of nonrefundable charges and shared costs as outlined in sections 4 and 5 above. Failure to deposit funds representing these charges, as cited above, can lead to an administrative block on college functions such as registration or availability of official transcripts to employers or graduate schools, until such time as the debt is paid to Augustana College.
8. There is no change to this policy at later payment dates, except that the charges deemed to be nonrefundable are likely to increase as a program nears its departure date.
9. Students who are withdrawn from a program prior to departure by Augustana College due to a change in their academic eligibility or due to a disciplinary concern are treated as any other withdrawal and these students are responsible for all program fees or charges as outlined above. This includes any student whose cumulative GPA drops below minimum program requirements, students who are put on probation due to honor code violations, who have an academic suspension in place the term prior to the program term, or who are deemed unfit to travel by the Dean of Students due to disciplinary concerns.
10. In the event that a student must end participation in the program at some time during the program itself (while overseas) due to health reasons, the college would retain an amount to cover the non-refundable costs already expended on behalf of that student as well as the student’s portion of the “fixed costs.” All efforts will be made in these circumstances to minimize these nonrefundable charges.
Program payment dates
Program payment dates are dependent upon the program departure date and program type. Please review the options below for the appropriate dates for your program. In the event that a program has requested an altered schedule which does not match the chart below, this will be highlighted in the billing statement provided by the Business Office.
Summer Program | March 15 | n/a | May 1 |
Fall Term Abroad | April 1 | May 1 | July 1 |
Winter Term Abroad | May 1 | Sept. 15 | Nov. 15 |
Winter Break Program | July 1 | n/a | Sept. 15 |
Spring Break Program | Sept. 15 | n/a | Jan. 15 |
Spring Term Abroad | Sept. 15 | Nov. 15 | Jan. 15 |
Spring Course/Summer Travel | Nov. 15 | n/a | Jan. 15 |
Program withdrawal procedures
Students who choose to withdraw from this program, must email both the program leader(s) and the director of International and Off-Campus Programs (IOP) at The withdrawal date will be considered the date when this email request is received. Upon receipt of the withdrawal notice, the director of IOP will contact the Business Office to authorize the appropriate refund.
Use of this form
You should retain this form in your records. You also should share this form with your parents and/or guardians so that all financial responsibilities are understood. You will receive a second copy of this document upon acceptance into any Augustana study away program. An electronic copy of this document is available on your program account at Augustana’s Study Abroad website. You will be provided with access to this website when you receive confirmation of your acceptance into an Augustana International & Off-Campus Program.