Skills for distance learning
Distance learning was not in anyone’s plan at the start of spring semester 2020. You might need to modify some of your study habits and techniques in this new model.
If you like to learn by watching videos
Augustana students have access to excellent video resources by Innovative Educators, available until April 24. You will need to create your free account,
Recommended videos
Orientation for Online Learning Workshop
Student Success Workshops:
Learning Strategies Every Student Should Know
Time Management Strategies for Success
Overcoming Procrastination and Cures
If you like to learn by reading
These are some of the best resources we’ve found.
Adjusting Your Study Habits During COVID from the University of Michigan
Online Learning Tips during COVID-19 from the University of New Orleans
Top three tips for success
1. Communicate with your instructors, which means read your email.
2. Create a schedule, and stick to it.
3. Stay organized.
Also see Connecting to Resources.