Augustana Strong 2021 Handbook
August 2021
(Printable PDF of this handbook)
Augustana College successfully co-existed with COVID-19 during the 2020-2021 academic year. The campus community as a whole was the difference-maker. The community's commitment to masking, physical distancing, volunteer surveillance testing, proper hand hygiene, adhering to quarantine and isolation protocols, cleaning practices and so much more allowed Augustana to continue educating future leaders.
We look forward to providing an educational experience this academic year that will bring back as many of the pre-pandemic activities, routines, and opportunities on campus as possible. This handbook is intended to provide details of Augustana's plan to co-exist with COVID during the 2021-2022 academic year.
Foundational elements of Augustana’s COVID-19 response plan:
• Augustana will follow public health authority requirements and its policies will be informed by public health recommendations. Community members should prepare for ongoing updates to protocols and COVID-19 mitigation expectations as our understanding of the infection grows and public health guidance is updated. (Updated Jan. 13, 2022)
• The college intends to return to the in-person, deeply engaged learning environment that is core to its mission. Currently, there are no plans for hybrid or distance learning options.
• Providing an engaging and robust curricular and co-curricular student experience with the following mitigation efforts.
Masking remains an important component of public health guidance. All community members, regardless of vaccination status, should be prepared to wear face coverings.
As of Aug. 25, masking is required for all community members in all public, indoor spaces.
Surveillance testing has proven effective in assessing transmission levels and will continue at Augustana College.
Proper hand hygiene continues to be a critical factor in protecting people from COVID-19.
Respecting all members of the community and committing to co-exist with COVID-19 by complying with mitigation efforts.
Information for students
Below is student-specific information detailing how Augustana College will co-exist with COVID-19 during the 2021-2022 academic year. Decisions are informed by public health guidance from organizations such as the CDC, Illinois Department of Public Health, Department of Education and the American College Health Association and other disease indicators.
This information generally outlines how a “Level 1” alert level will impact students on campus. It is important to note that updated guidance issued by the college may change some aspects of student expectations on campus from what is described in this document. This may occur with or without a change in the overall alert level. Students are asked to check the Augustana College COVID-19 web page to stay updated on the current alert level and the current mitigation requirements.
Upload your vaccine status
As an educational institution, making research-based and data-informed decisions is part of Augustana’s fabric. The number of students, faculty and staff who are fully vaccinated is important in understanding the community vulnerability to COVID-19, which will impact planning for the fall semester. It is critically important to submit your vaccination status. Decisions about herd immunity and how that may positively impact the student and employee experience at Augustana cannot be made without a robust data set. Students who do not provide some form of verification of having received the COVID-19 vaccine will be considered to be unvaccinated and will be subject to all requirements of community members who are unvaccinated.
(The vaccination survey is now closed, but students who have not reported their vaccination status still should report to the Dean of Students office and do so in person.)
Augustana College strongly recommends vaccination
The COVID-19 vaccine is strongly encouraged for all community members. The vaccination protects the person who receives it, their family, their friends and their communities. It is the surest way for students to be able to enjoy all the benefits and opportunities of living and learning on campus. It is also the most important step our community members can take to end the pandemic.
The vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent COVID-19. Information about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine is available from the Centers of Disease Control.
You are encouraged to become vaccinated before returning to campus. If it is not possible for you to find a vaccine, COVID-19 vaccines will be available to students on campus this fall. Vaccinations will be offered through the Augustana Convenient Care during normal business hours (10 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays). The clinic will reopen and resume normal academic year operations on Thursday, Aug. 26.
General experience for vaccinated and unvaccinated students
Augustana College plans a return to as much of the pre-pandemic student experience as is possible in the upcoming academic year. Group gatherings will resume and must align with space capacities with no overcrowding. In-person socializing is encouraged, while honoring all current mitigation requirements in place.
There are no off-campus restrictions. Students may dine at off-campus restaurants and travel to visit family and friends. Details about the student pledge, classrooms, residential life, dining, and student activities, among others, can be found in separate sections.
Fully vaccinated students
Fully vaccinated students can expect a return to much of the pre-pandemic normal. Unless recommended by public health guidance, masking and physical distancing will generally not be required or expected for students who are vaccinated. Out of courtesy for the entire community, students are expected to have a mask readily available if the need arises due to prolonged close contact in classrooms or lab settings, for example.
*As of Aug. 9, masking is required in all indoor public areas for all members of the Augustana community. Vaccinated students will need to mask in places including but not limited to all classrooms, meeting spaces, as guests to other residence hall rooms, and lounge areas (even when 6 feet of physical distance can be maintained).
During this time, face coverings must be worn correctly, with both mouth AND nose fully covered (chin to bridge of nose). If you are wearing an approved face shield, the shield must be worn in the fully “down” position. Face shields, without approval from the Office of Disability Services, do not meet the requirement of masking indoors.
Vaccinated students will not be required to participate in surveillance testing, unless the nature of the risk of transmission warrants testing of vaccinated students. Additionally, certain student activities may require testing regardless of the vaccination status.
Vaccinated students who are deemed close contacts will not be required to participate in contact tracing, quarantine or isolation housing. In accordance with public health guidance, however, vaccinated students are expected to get tested 3-5 days after exposure, even if they don’t have symptoms. Students should also wear a mask indoors in public for 14 days following exposure or until the student’s test result is negative. Students should isolate for 10 days if their test result is positive.
Additionally, vaccinated students should monitor themselves for COVID symptoms at all times and especially after close contacts and if symptoms arise, they should isolate themselves, consult a medical professional, and follow the standard reporting procedure for possible COVID-19 infection, which starts with a phone call to Augustana Public Safety at 309-794-7000.
Students who are not fully vaccinated
Augustana College will expect students who are not fully vaccinated to adhere to all mitigation efforts recommended by current public health guidance and others that may be imposed by the college. These students will be expected to:
• Wear a face covering at all times in indoor common areas, including all classrooms, meeting spaces, as guests to other residence hall rooms, and lounge areas (even when 6 feet of physical distance can be maintained).
• Wear face coverings correctly, with both mouth AND nose fully covered (chin to bridge of nose). If you are wearing an approved face shield, the shield must be worn in the fully “down” position.
*As of August 9th , unvaccinated students must mask outdoors in all crowded gatherings and also in smaller setting where physical distancing is not possible.
• Physically distance whenever possible. Examples would include classrooms, dining hall, and when exercising.
• Daily temperature checks are required. If possible, students should bring a thermometer to campus to use on a daily basis. Three temperature check stations will be available on campus in the Gerber Center, PepsiCo Recreation, and the Carver Center.
• Self-health screenings are required daily and must be entered into the Augustana health screening application.
• Participate in COVID-19 surveillance testing. See surveillance testing information in the Health and Safety Efforts section for details.
• Sequester, quarantine or isolate when students experience COVID-19 symptoms or when that student has been in close contact with someone else infected with COVID-19.
Students should consult a medical professional and follow the standard reporting procedure for possible COVID-19 infection, which starts with a call to Augustana Public Safety at 309-794-7000. Quarantine and isolation housing will be limited on campus, which may require students to have alternative plans if space is unavailable. (Reminder: Classes will not have a remote or hybrid option for students needing to be away from class for an extended period of time.)
In the event of a health emergency caused by COVID-19, unvaccinated students may not be able to attend classes or live on campus.
Student Pledge: Augie Allies
As was the case to start the 2020-2021 academic year, students will be expected to sign the Augie Allies Pledge that indicates support of and willingness to adhere to expectations to responsibly co-exist with COVID-19. This pledge will be a part of the COVID student training program that will be made available to students during the first week of fall 2021.
I pledge to do my part to keep our community in good health as I return to the city of Rock Island and to the Augustana College campus.
I understand that COVID-19 is a highly contagious, serious disease that can cause severe illness and even death. I understand that I have a role in the fight against COVID-19 and commit to responsible actions and to being an accountable member of both the Viking and Quad Cities community.
We know that the virus is not a respecter of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age or physical ability. During this time of great uncertainty based on the COVID- 19 pandemic, I will treat my peers, faculty and staff with the respect every human being deserves and not promote or participate in bias to impede the access and opportunity of others in my community.
I also understand that even with mitigation plans in place, there is still a risk that I might contract COVID-19. If I have symptoms of COVID-19, I agree to take all recommended steps including COVID-19 testing to help protect myself and the larger community from disease transmission.
I pledge to uphold the Augustana College Community Principles every day by demonstrating personal purpose, respecting others, and supporting my college and adopted hometown of Rock Island by:
1. Following public health guidelines in place to protect myself and others.
2. Complying with all mitigation efforts established by the college.
3. Respecting self-policing of policies through the personal honor system.
While Augustana College strongly recommends community members become vaccinated, we acknowledge some may not be able or willing to do so. By not being vaccinated and returning to campus, unvaccinated students understand that they face an even greater risk of contracting COVID-19. By signing this Augie Ally pledge, students acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and the risks of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at Augustana.
Enforcing COVID-19 expectations
Adherence and accountability to temporary COVID-19 related policies is critical to the ongoing delivery of both curricular and co-curricular offerings at Augustana College. Enforcement of mitigation requirements will be addressed in a variety of ways.
1. Clearly communicate expectations. All community members should feel comfortable communicating current policies and expectations of the college to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. For example, faculty members are welcome to reiterate policies in classrooms such as masking or physical distancing when possible. Residence hall staff can discuss visitation policies with students, and students can address masking and physical distancing requests with fellow students. These communications and exchanges should be done in a respectful way.
2. Honor system. The Augustana community principles of accountability, responsibility and care are essential to the community’s ability to provide an on-campus learning environment. Each individual member of this community makes choices every day and Augustana believes that students will make the appropriate choices to co-exist with COVID responsibly. For everyone to do their part, students need to live out the community principles. Students need to abide by the Honor Code which includes adhering to reasonable requests of college officials (i.e. masking if unvaccinated, participating in surveillance testing, and refraining from engaging in the life of the college if you have symptoms.)
3. Student Code of Conduct. Students who are non-compliant with any mitigation efforts are subject to sanctions within the Student Code of Conduct. While clear communication in citing college policy and Augustana’s community principles is preferable, if the need arises, students can be referred to the Student Code of Conduct due to non-compliance. An online incident report form exists that any community member can use to document an incident. The form is linked on the “Current students” portal of the website.
4. In instances where students are behaving dangerously or are being uncooperative, employees and fellow students may contact Police and Public Safety for assistance by calling 309-794-7711.
5. Residential Life and the Dean of Students office will generally use the following sanctions when formal action is taken and students are found responsible for violating COVID-19 policy:
A. First offense: Warning and educational sanction
B. Second offense: Warning and $50 fine
C. Third offense: Probation, $100 fine; housing relocation if warranted; suspension of student engagement opportunities such as intercollegiate athletics, Greek life, or clubs / organization involvement, if necessary.
D. Fourth offense: Referral to Dean of Students; housing relocation if not used during third offense; suspension of student engagement opportunities such as intercollegiate athletics, Greek life, or clubs / organization involvement if not used during third offense; dismissal from campus housing and/or dismissal from attending on-campus activities.
Egregious offenses may warrant more serious sanctions, and the college will have the option to issue sanctions, up to an including suspension or dismissal from the college, if the college determines that such action is appropriate, regardless of the number of offenses.
Health and safety efforts
Feeling ill: Students who are feeling ill should refrain from engaging in the student experience such as attending classes, participating in athletic practices or music rehearsals, or being present at club/organization programs. Students who are ill should consult a medical professional to determine the appropriate course of action. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated students are expected to monitor symptoms and adhere to the recommendations of their healthcare provider such as testing or isolating. If a medical professional indicates the need for a student to isolate, the ill student should contact Augustana Police and Public Safety at 309-794-7711 to initiate the isolation housing process. Students who are ill and unable to attend classes are expected to communicate with their faculty members directly.
Symptoms: As stated by the CDC, people with COVID-19 may experience a wide range of symptoms – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
This list does not include all possible symptoms. CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19. Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions such as heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness.
Masking: At all times when in public indoor spaces or indoors in private areas but in the presence of others, unvaccinated individuals should be masked. Generally under Level 1 alert, vaccinated individuals are not expected to mask but should be prepared to mask should the need or request arise. Public health guidance, however, may result in a masking requirement for all community members even when the college is on Level 1 alert. Masking may also be required for all community members and regardless of vaccination status in certain high volume, close contact settings such as labs, classrooms with higher rates of unvaccinated students, or athletic practices. Students are encouraged to take personal action and make personal decisions that position themselves to co-exist with COVID-19 as responsibly as possible. That may include masking, even as a vaccinated individual, continuing to physically distance whenever possible, and adhere to proper hand hygiene efforts.
Effective Aug. 9, 2021, and until further notice, Augustana College is requiring all individuals to wear masks in public indoor settings. This applies regardless of an individual's vaccination status, and it applies to all community members, including visitors. This is in accordance with CDC and IDPH guidance, and is based on the COVID-19 transmission levels of Rock Island County.
Effective Aug. 25, 2021, and until further notice, Augustana College is requiring all unvaccinated students to wear masks in crowded, outdoor gatherings. Unvaccinated students are also expected to mask outdoors in smaller groups or situations when physical distancing is not possible. This is in accordance with CDC guidance.
Physical distancing: Physical distancing can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and should be practiced as possible and practicable by all community members. Whenever possible, unvaccinated students are required to practice physical distancing.
Augustana health screening app: Students will be expected to use a health screening app. The app is currently being processed by Apple and Google and will be made available to students as soon as it is uploaded by those vendors. Health screening app download and usage details will be provided via campus email and available on the website as soon as possible.
Vaccinated students will access the application once where they will indicate “fully vaccinated” and will receive a permanent “Good to Go” indication. Unvaccinated students will be required to utilize the app on a daily basis to track their health status and receive a “Good to Go” verification. Students must be able to show a “Good to Go” status in order to enter both the Gerber Center Dining Hall and the PepsiCo Recreation Center.
Temperature check stations: All students are encouraged to monitor their symptoms on a daily basis which includes temperature checks. Unvaccinated students are required to check their temperature daily, and to verify their temperature in the Augustana health screening app. Students are welcome to use a personal thermometer but temperature check stations will also be available on campus in the Gerber Center, PepsiCo Recreation Center and the Carver Center for daily use.
Surveillance testing: All unvaccinated students will be required to participate in surveillance testing if randomly selected. A group of unvaccinated students will be tested weekly. While the final number of unvaccinated students will determine the frequency of testing, it is likely that each unvaccinated student will test twice per month. Testing will be provided by Genesis Health, it will occur on campus and will be free of charge to the selected students. Testing will take place at the Augustana Convenient Care clinic unless volume requires a larger venue. Further details will be shared directly with surveillance testing participants.
The results of surveillance testing informs the college of the prevalence of the virus, whether there is community spread, and the effectiveness of current mitigation efforts.
Selected students who fail to participate are subject to the student code of conduct as it is a violation by failing to adhere to a reasonable request of a college official. Students should anticipate the following disciplinary action:
First missed test: Warning
Second missed test: Monetary fine of $100
Third missed test: Loss of all co-curricular privileges such as participation in athletics, clubs/organizations, etc. for the duration of the current semester.
Fourth missed test: Suspension for the remainder of the current semester.
Fully vaccinated students who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should consult with their medical provider and follow their guidance. Augustana College strongly recommends that vaccinated students who are symptomatic complete a COVID-19 test which can be conducted at the Augustana Convenient Care Clinic. COVID-19 tests conducted at the college beyond scheduled and assigned surveillance testing or intercollegiate athletics team testing (if necessary), are offered at the financial obligation of the student.
Contact tracing: Contact tracing remains an important aspect of the college’s COVID-19 response plan. Contact tracing will be performed internally by Augustana employees. As the state of the pandemic changes, contract tracing may be conducted by the Rock Island County Health Department.
A student who tests positive for COVID-19 must isolate and inform the college of that requirement by contacting Augustana Police and Public Safety at 309-794-7711 to initiate the process.
Augustana College contact tracers will conduct contact tracing outreach between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
Close contact with someone who has tested positive or is symptomatic is defined as 15 minutes over a 24-hour period within two days prior to illness onset.
Unvaccinated students who are deemed to be close contacts will be required to quarantine. Vaccinated students who are determined to be close contacts will not be expected to quarantine unless they develop symptoms. In accordance with public health guidance, vaccinated students are expected to get tested 3-5 days after exposure, even if they don’t have symptoms. Students should also wear a mask indoors in public for 14 days following exposure or until the student’s test result is negative. Students should isolate for 10 days if their test result is positive.
Isolation and quarantine housing: Both isolation and quarantine housing will be available at Augustana College. Students living in TLAs will be allowed to quarantine in their personal residence in most cases. Students living in communal housing, primarily all first- and second-year students, will have access to separate isolation and quarantine housing if the need arises.
Students who are required to isolate due to a positive test are encouraged to remain in provided isolation housing. Students who are able to responsibly quarantine off-campus as a close contact, presumably at their permanent residence, are encouraged to do so. Students who are isolated or quarantined will not receive any housing or meal refunds.
Meals will be provided for students who are in isolation or quarantine housing by visiting the loading dock of the Gerber Center for “to go” meal pick-up.
All students in isolation or quarantine on campus will be assigned a case manager who is an employee of the college. Case managers will check in regularly with students to ensure they are doing as well as possible, and that their housing situation is meeting their needs. Case managers can also assist with the coordination of meal pick-ups.
If on-campus quarantine and isolation housing reaches capacity, students who are unable to quarantine off-campus at their personal residence will be housed at local hotels at no additional cost to the student. Hotel quarantine and isolation will be coordinated by members of the Residential Life department. Case managers will be provided to students in off-campus quarantine and isolation housing arranged by the college.
Cleaning: Reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by cleaning and disinfecting is another important step in reducing the spread of COVID-19. The following procedures have been implemented and will remain in practice during the pandemic:
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (e.g. door handles, sink handles, grab bars, hand railings, bathroom stalls, dining hall tables, chairs) in all Augustana College facilities daily, with disinfecting to occur as much as possible.
All disinfectant procedures used on the campus are EPA-approved products for killing COVID-19. Soft and porous materials like carpet, rugs, or material in seating areas will be thoroughly cleaned and or laundered when possible.
The Building Services department of Augustana College will typically deep-clean during the morning. Disinfecting procedures will continue throughout each day as necessary and as practicable in common areas, stairwells, washrooms, etc.
Gym mentality: Students are welcome to wipe down surfaces before and after personal use with products provided but based on public health guidance is not required at this time. While wiping down surfaces is not required, proper hygiene practices including, but not limited to, washing hands frequently, using hand sanitizer, sneezing into the elbow and avoiding touching one’s face are key efforts to reducing the spread of the virus.
Public health guidance from the CDC states “Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) studies have been conducted to understand and characterize the relative risk of SARS-CoV-2 fomite transmission and evaluate the need for and effectiveness of prevention measures to reduce risk. Findings of these studies suggest that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection via the fomite transmission route is low, and generally less than 1 in 10,000, which means that each contact with a contaminated surface has less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection. (SARS-CoV-2 and Surface (Fomite) Transmission for Indoor Community Environments)
HVAC: Augustana College will continue with all HVAC measures that were put in place during the 2020-2021 academic year that align with guidelines from both the CDC and the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
The Mechanical Department of Augustana College has incorporated increased ventilation rates and the percentage of outdoor air that circulates into the system everywhere possible on campus. In those areas on campus where these activities are not possible, due to mechanical designs and configurations, the windows can be used to achieve increased outdoor air flow.
The Direct Digital Control systems on campus have been bypassed to allow for 24/7 air flow as recommended by ASHRAE. The automatic dampers have been set to the highest settings to allow for an increase of outside air into our facilities and filter changes have been increased on all campus HVAC systems. The locations on campus that are operating with fan coil units rely fully on outside air flow from operable windows, doors and hallway air movement. When possible, faculty, staff and students are encouraged to open windows in classes, meetings and in social settings, even when practicing physical distancing and masking.
The Classroom Experience
Students should anticipate a traditional classroom environment.
- Classrooms are allowed to be occupied at full capacity. Desks will be distanced three feet and more when possible.
- Instruction will be offered only in person. Remote learning or hybrid offerings are not planned at this time.
- Faculty members may choose to record class sessions but this is not required or expected.
- Students missing class need to coordinate how they will manage absences, make-up work, etc. by communicating directly with their instructor.
Both vocal and instrumental music ensembles will be offered during the 2021-2022 academic year.
- Traditional indoor venues will be used during the 2021-2022 academic year such as Centennial Hall, Wallenberg Hall, etc.
- In accordance with Restore Illinois guidance, occupancy in rooms, including rehearsal spaces, will return to normal capacities.
- Trips are being planned but final decisions regarding travel will be made closer to departure dates. International travel will adhere to national, international, and College travel guidance which currently requires full vaccination to participate.
- In accordance with Restore Illinois Phase 5 guidance, attendance at music performances is permitted at 100% capacity. Unvaccinated audience members are expected to remain masked at all times. Attendance will be managed through the ticketing office when applicable.
Vocal and instrumental ensembles: All students participating in Augustana vocal and instrumental ensembles are required to be fully vaccinated to participate. This decision is grounded in an effort to create a safe, robust and complete experience for all Augustana ensembles. Due to health and transmission risks present in musical activities, vaccination is required to promote safety and help prevent the transmission of COVID 19. This also allows for many, if not all, of the pre-pandemic rehearsal protocols which enrich the ensemble experience.
The theatre department is committed to having opportunities for all students to participate during the 2021-2022 academic year. Some guiding principles for theatre will include:
- Vaccination is required for any on-stage performers in plays or musicals.
- All vaccinated actors and stage crew may work without masks, unless college mask protocols state otherwise. (As of Aug. 9, all students, regardless of vaccination status are expected to be masked in all indoor public spaces.)
- Unvaccinated students: Should be prepared to show their daily health screening "good to go" to the director or designee prior to participating; Should take their temperature on a daily basis; Will be required to participate in the surveillance testing program on a weekly basis; Per college-wide policies, must remain masked whenever possible, particularly indoors and when close contact is unavoidable. \
- Up close “in faces” work will not be allowed. For example, no kissing will occur in our performances even if the script calls for it, no getting directly in someone's face, etc.)
- Staging is being designed without any extremely large casts, so onstage and rehearsal numbers will stay relatively low in comparison to pre-COVID years.
- In accordance with Restore Illinois Phase 5 guidance, attendance at theatre productions is permitted at 100 % capacity. Unvaccinated audience members are expected to remain masked at all times. Attendance will be managed through the ticketing office.
- The department will hold in-person auditions, rehearsals, and performances, barring any unforeseen circumstances.
In review of public health guidance and alignment with many peer institutions, the Thomas Tredway Library will resume much of the pre-pandemic normal for the 2021-2022 academic year.
- All study rooms will be open and available for use with normal capacity.
- For fully vaccinated individuals, masking and physical distancing is not required, unless college mask protocols state otherwise. (As of Aug. 9, all students, regardless of vaccination status are expected to be masked in all indoor public spaces.)
- Community members who are not fully vaccinated are expected to be masked at all times and physically distanced whenever possible.
Brodahl Hall will return to normal capacities for the 2021-2022 academic year. This includes classrooms, conference rooms, waiting rooms, and labs. When possible, the waiting room will remain physically distanced.
Masking will not be required for fully vaccinated staff and clients, unless college mask protocols state otherwise.
(As of Aug. 9, masking is required in all indoor public areas for all members of the Augustana community.) Vaccinated students will need to mask in places including but not limited to all classrooms, meeting spaces, as guests to other residence hall rooms, and lounge areas (even when 6 feet of physical distance can be maintained).
During this time, face coverings must be worn correctly, with both mouth AND nose fully covered (chin to bridge of nose). If you are wearing an approved face shield, the shield must be worn in the fully “down” position. In rare circumstances, face shields are permitted to supplement the a face mask to benefit the client. Children under 3 are not required to mask.
Clients on the autism spectrum are not required to mask.
All other unvaccinated staff and clients are required to mask.
Both clinical faculty and student clinicians which are individuals who have regular, close interactions with clients will be expected to mask unless proof of vaccination is provided to the college.
Residential Life
Living in community and preparing students for life after college are important aspects of the Augustana student experience.
Housing assignments: Incoming first-year students were given an opportunity to disclose vaccination status and request a vaccinated roommate. Returning students self-select roommates and new students are also able to request particular roommates. Roommates are expected to manage their living environments among themselves regarding who is and is not vaccinated.
- Move-In Process: Residential Life will have a full team of volunteers on hand to assist with new student move-in. This is an ongoing practice that was suspended for Fall 2020 move-in due to physical distancing requirements. Volunteer assistance is not provided for early arrivals.
In fall 2020, we added an additional unloading area for Westerlin and allowed students to sign up for their own arrival appointment time. These were helpful adaptations regardless of the pandemic, and will be continued for this year. The details for signing up for a specific move-in time were provided through Residential Life communications.
Visitation: Pre-pandemic visitation policies will be in effect which includes three visitors per host in the residence halls and 15 visitors at a time in TLAs. Hosts and visitors are expected to adhere to the primary mitigation efforts of masking and physical distancing whenever possible for unvaccinated people. See the Residential Life Handbook for further details.
Programming: Community Advisors (CAs) will increase programming to resemble pre-pandemic offerings in community building and engagement in the halls. These programs will be in person.
Community Kitchens: Residence hall kitchens will be available for use again during the 2021- 2022 academic year.
Dining in a community as a residential campus is an important part of the student experience at Augustana. Based on public health guidance, students can anticipate the following when utilizing dining services:
- Gerber Dining Center, Brew by the Slough, Gus's Snack Bar and the Westerlin C-Store will all be operational with normal hours.
- Students will be required to mask up at all times when not seated. They may be removed only while seated and eating or drinking at your table.
- Plexiglass will be present in the Gerber Dining Center and Gus’s Snack Bar.
- Return to full capacity. We will continue to use the occupancy counter and keep it on the website for our customers’ convenience to see if there is seating available during the main meal periods. This will not, however, be used to limit capacity or entrance to the dining hall.
- Contactless transactions will remain in place at all locations.
- Enhanced cleaning andsanitation will continue as it always has for the safety of our guests.
- The increased number of hand sanitizing stations will remain to encourage our customers to continue to frequently sanitize their hands when possible.
- Students are required to present their health screening "good to go" indicator upon entry to the dining facility.
- Nearly all self-service stations will return to normal use.
- The use of a reusable carryout container will resume. Containers will be provided to all incoming freshman and sophomore students with a meal plan.
- Admissions visitors and external customers will be welcomed back into the Gerber Dining Center and will be asked to adhere to campus wide mitigation efforts.
Student activities
The Office of Student Life and Leadership will follow the COVID-19 guidelines as established by the college. We anticipate operations to return to pre-pandemic status which includes but is not limited to the following:
- Welcome Week will return to the pre-pandemic schedule with in person programming including Opening Convocation (held this year at Knowlton Stadium), the Celebration Belle Riverboat on the Mississippi River and an outdoor concert.
- Student organizations (including sororities and fraternities) will be able to reserve college venues and meet in-person. When possible, groups are still strongly encouraged to meet outdoors and group meetings may not exceed capacity limits in rooms.
- Student groups (including sororities and fraternities) will be able to host events on and off campus with the stipulation that they follow all college policies inclusive of COVID-19 recommendations regardless if they are on or off campus.
- Student programming will occur on and off campus without occupancy limits. All programming must adhere to venue capacity limits.
- Refreshments served at events may include both banquet style options and grab and go. Grab-and-go is still encouraged but not required.
Students will have the opportunity to engage in recreational activities such as club sports, intramural sports, and weight training. Some things to know about participating in recreational activities include:
- Students are required to present their health screening "good to go"indicator upon entry to the PepsiCo recreation facility.
- Team Sports in the fall will be played outdoors only. Some individual and small group activities will occur indoors.
- Weight equipment in PepsiCo remains physically distanced.
- Weight area in PepsiCo will be limited to 10 people at any one time.
- Unvaccinated students are expected to remain masked when participating in recreational sports such as intramural flag football or club volleyball. Unvaccinated students are allowed to unmask during weight training activities as long as physical distancing occurs.
- Travel and overnight stays will be permitted for club sport competitions. All club sport competitions and travel plans, both on and off campus, need to be reviewed and approved by the Director of Intramural Sports and Recreation prior.
Counseling Services
The Counseling Office will offer both in-person and remote counseling sessions. In-person appointments are encouraged but remote sessions are available for students who would prefer this approach. For a full menu of offerings in Counseling see the counseling process.
Intercollegiate athletics
Augustana’s approach to intercollegiate athletics is grounded in NCAA guidance. Augustana has a desire to allow all interested student-athletes to participate in their collegiate sport during the 2021-2022 academic year. As has been the case historically, participation in intercollegiate athletics is voluntary and students are encouraged to make decisions about participating that they view as best for their personal well-being.
Augustana’s approach to students participating in intercollegiate athletics is outlined below:
1.) To participate: All student-athletes must indicate their vaccination status and upload that record if vaccinated. Failure to complete the vaccine survey results in an inability to participate in collegiate sport.
2.) As of Aug. 9 , masks are required for all student-athletes in all indoor, public spaces such as the athletic training room, Carver Center lobby, Fairchild Family Strength Center and team locker rooms. This masking requirement may change, particularly for vaccinated individuals, as further public health guidance is released.
3.) Face coverings are not required during practice or competitions.
4.) Face coverings are required in all team travel situations.
5.)Unvaccinated student-athletes will need to show their daily health screening "good to go" to an athletic trainer prior to participating.
6.) Unvaccinated student-athletes need to take their temperature on a daily basis.
7.) Unvaccinated student-athletes will be tested on a weekly basis during the competitive portion of their respective seasons.
8.) Isolation and Quarantine:
- Isolation (positive test or symptomatic) for 10 days and at least 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and other symptoms have improved. No exercise during isolation.
- Post-isolation exercise consistent with previous recommendations, including cardiac considerations.
- Quarantine for seven days (asymptomatic) with a negative test after day five or 10 days (symptomatic) with no test required.
9.) All student-athletes who feel ill should not participate in collegiate sport at that time and rather, seek the guidance of a medical professional.
10.) Student-athletes should anticipate traditional pre-COVID competition travel and overnight travel experiences.
11.) Student-athletes should not share water bottles at this time.
Information for employees
Below is employee-specific information detailing how Augustana College will co-exist with COVID-19 during the 2021-2022 academic year. Decisions are informed by public health guidance from organizations such as the CDC, Illinois Department of Public Health, Department of Education and the American College Health Association and other disease indicators.
This information generally outlines how a “Level 1” alert level will impact employees on campus. It is important to note that updated guidance issued by the college may change some aspects of employee expectations on campus from what is described in this document. This may occur with or without a change in the overall alert level. Employees are asked to check the Augustana College COVID-19 web page to stay updated on the current alert level and the current mitigation requirements.
Upload your vaccination status
As an educational institution, making research-based and data-informed decisions is part of Augustana’s fabric. The number of students, faculty and staff who are fully vaccinated is important in understanding the community vulnerability to COVID-19, which will impact planning for the fall semester. It is critically important to submit your vaccination status. Decisions about herd immunity and how that may positively impact the student and employee experience at Augustana cannot be made without a robust data set. Employees who do not provide some form of verification of having received the COVID-19 vaccine will be considered to be unvaccinated and will be subject to all requirements of community members who are unvaccinated.
(The vaccination survey is now closed, but employees who have not reported their vaccination status still should report to the Human Resources office.)
Plans for returning to work on campus
Augustana welcomes the return of all employees to work on campus. As of Aug. 1, 2021, all employees who were working from home have returned to work on campus.
As always, employees may request accommodations under the college’s ADA policy, and should consult with their supervisor and Human Resources. We have tried to anticipate some of the questions this transition will prompt. If you don't find your answer in this FAQ, please contact your supervisor or Human Resources.
Augustana College strongly recommends vaccination
The COVID-19 vaccine is strongly encouraged for all community members. The vaccination protects the person who receives it, their family, their friends and their communities. It is the surest way for employees to educate students in person and engage in the life of the college both inside and outside the classroom. It is also the most important step our community members can take to end the pandemic.
The vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent COVID-19. Information about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine is available from the Centers of Disease Control.
Employees are encouraged to become vaccinated. If it is not possible for you to find a vaccine, COVID-19 vaccines will be available to students on campus this fall. Vaccinations will be offered through the Augustana Convenient Care during normal business hours (10 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays). The clinic will reopen and resume normal academic year operations on Thursday, Aug. 26.
General experience for vaccinated and unvaccinated employees
Augustana College plans a return to as much of the pre-pandemic student and employee experience as is possible in the upcoming year.
Group gatherings such as staff meetings and trainings may resume and must align with space capacities with no overcrowding. In-person conversations and meetings are encouraged, while honoring all current mitigation requirements in place.
Fully vaccinated employees
Fully vaccinated employees can expect a return to much of the pre-pandemic normal.
Unless recommended by public health guidance, masking and physical distancing will generally not be required or expected for employees who are vaccinated. Out of courtesy for the entire community, employees are expected to have a mask readily available.
*As of Aug. 9, masking is required in all indoor public areas for all members of the Augustana community. Vaccinated employees will need to mask in places including but not limited to all classrooms, meeting spaces, hallways and lounge areas (even when six feet of physical distance can be maintained).
During this time, face coverings must be worn correctly, with both mouth AND nose fully covered (chin to bridge of nose). If you are wearing an approved face shield, the shield must be worn in the fully “down” position. Face shields, without approval from Academic Affairs (faculty) or Human Resources (staff) do not meet the requirement of masking indoors.
Vaccinated employees will not be required to participate in surveillance testing, unless the nature of the risk of transmission warrants testing of vaccinated employees.
Vaccinated employees who are deemed close contacts will not be required to participate in contact tracing, quarantine or isolation housing. In accordance with public health guidance, however, vaccinated employees are expected to get tested 3-5 days after exposure, even if they don’t have symptoms. Exposed employees should also wear a mask indoors in public for 14 days following exposure or until the employee’s test result is negative. Employees should isolate for 10 days if their test result is positive.
Additionally, vaccinated employees should monitor themselves for COVID symptoms at all times and especially after close contacts and if symptoms arise, they should isolate themselves, consult a medical professional, and follow the standard reporting procedure for possible COVID-19 infection, which starts with a phone call to your supervisor or directly to Human Resources at 309-794-7352.
Employees who are not fully vaccinated
Augustana College will expect employees who are not fully vaccinated to adhere to all mitigation efforts recommended by current public health guidance and others that may be imposed by the college. These employees will be expected to:
• Wear a face covering at all times in indoor common areas, including all classrooms and meeting spaces (even when six feet of physical distance can be maintained).
• Wear face coverings correctly, with both mouth AND nose fully covered (chin to bridge of nose). If you are wearing an approved face shield, the shield must be worn in the fully “down” position. Face shields, without approval from Academic Affairs (faculty) or Human Resources (staff) do not meet the requirement of masking indoors.
• Physically distance whenever possible.
• Daily temperature checks are required. For employees not using a personal thermometer, three temperature check stations will be available in the Gerber Center, PepsiCo Recreation, and the Carver Center.
• Self-health screenings are required daily and must be entered into the Augustana health screening application.
• Participate in COVID-19 surveillance testing. See surveillance testing information in the Health and Safety Efforts section for details.
• Sequester, quarantine or isolate when employees experience COVID-19 symptoms or when that employee has been in close contact with someone else infected with COVID-19.
Employees should consult a medical professional and follow the standard reporting procedure for possible COVID-19 infection, which starts with a call to their supervisor or Human Resources at 309-794-7352.
Health and safety efforts
Personal protective equipment: A variety of safety supplies, including reusable masks, hand sanitizer, and face shields, are available to employees. Employees may visit the Office of Human Resources during regular business hours to pick up any needed supplies.
Employees interested in having Plexiglass installed in their workplace should complete a work order through Facilities.
Feeling ill: Employees who are feeling ill with COVID-19 symptoms should not report to work. Employees who are ill should consult a medical professional to determine the appropriate course of action. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated employees are expected to monitor symptoms and adhere to the recommendations of their health care providers, such as testing or isolating. If a medical professional indicates the need for an employee to isolate, the ill employee should contact contact their supervisor or Human Resources at 309-794-7352 to inform the college of their situation, and if necessary, begin the contact tracing process.
Symptoms: As stated by the CDC, people with COVID-19 may experience a wide range of symptoms – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
This list does not include all possible symptoms. CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19. Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions such as heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness.
Masking: Unvaccinated individuals should mask when in public indoor spaces or when in private areas but in the presence of others. Unvaccinated individuals are not required to mask when outdoors provided six feet of physical distance can be maintained. Generally, under Level 1 alert, vaccinated individuals are not expected to mask but should be prepared to mask should the need or request arise. Public health guidance, however, may result in a masking requirement for all community members even when the college is on Level 1 alert. Masking may also be required in certain high-volume, close contact settings such as labs, classrooms with a higher percentage of unvaccinated individuals, and athletic practices.
Effective Aug. 9, 2021, and until further notice, Augustana College is requiring all individuals to wear masks in public indoor settings. This applies regardless of an individual's vaccination status, and it applies to all community members, including visitors. This is in accordance with CDC and IDPH guidance, and is based on the COVID-19 transmission levels of Rock Island County.
Effective Aug. 25, 2021, and until further notice, Augustana College is requiring all unvaccinated employees to wear masks in crowded, outdoor gatherings. Unvaccinated employees are also expected to mask outdoors in smaller groups or situations when physical distancing is not possible. This is in accordance with CDC guidance.
Physical distancing: Physical distancing can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and should be practiced as possible and practicable by all community members. Whenever possible, unvaccinated employees are required to practice physical distancing.
Augustana health screening app: Employees will be expected to use a health screening app as soon as it is available during week 1 of the academic year. The app is currently being processed by Apple and Google and will be made available to students as soon as it is uploaded by those vendors. Health screening app download and usage details will be provided via campus email and available on the website as soon as possible.
Vaccinated employees will access the application once where they will indicate “fully vaccinated” and will receive a permanent “Good to Go” indication. Unvaccinated employees will be required to utilize the app on a daily basis to track their health status and receive a “Good to Go” verification. Employees must be able to show a “Good to Go” status in order to enter both the Gerber Center Dining Hall and the PepsiCo Recreation Center.
Temperature check stations: All employees are encouraged to monitor their symptoms on a daily basis which includes temperature checks. Unvaccinated employees are required to check their temperature daily, and to verify their temperature in the Augustana health screening app Employees are welcome to use a personal thermometer but temperature check stations will also be available on campus in the Gerber Center, PepsiCo Recreation Center and the Carver Center for daily use.
Surveillance testing: All unvaccinated employees will be required to participate in surveillance testing if randomly selected. A group of unvaccinated employees will be tested weekly. While the final number of unvaccinated employees will determine the frequency of testing, it is likely that each unvaccinated employee will test twice per month. Testing will be provided by Genesis Health, it will occur on campus and will be free of charge to the selected employees. Testing will take place at the Augustana Convenient Care clinic unless volume requires a larger venue. Further details will be shared directly with surveillance testing participants.
The results of surveillance testing informs the college of the prevalence of the virus, whether there is community spread, and the effectiveness of current mitigation efforts.
Fully vaccinated employees who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should consult with their medical provider and follow their guidance. Augustana College strongly recommends that vaccinated employees who are symptomatic complete a COVID-19 test which can be conducted at the Augustana Convenient Care Clinic. COVID-19 tests conducted at the college beyond scheduled and assigned surveillance testing (on Mondays or Tuesdays) or intercollegiate athletics team testing (if necessary), are offered at the financial obligation of the employee.
Contact tracing: Contact tracing remains an important aspect of the college’s COVID-19 response plan. Contact tracing will be performed internally by Augustana employees. As the state of the pandemic changes, contract tracing may be conducted by the Rock Island County Health Department.
An employee who tests positive for COVID-19 must isolate and inform the college of that requirement by contacting their supervisor or Human Resources at 309-794-7711 to initiate the process.
Augustana College contact tracers will conduct contact tracing outreach between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
Close contact with someone who has tested positive or is symptomatic is defined as 15 minutes over a 24-hour period within two days prior to illness onset.
Unvaccinated employees who are deemed to be close contacts will be required to quarantine and will be expected to use personal leave, which may be any remaining COVID-19 leave (to the extent this leave remains available), existing vacation hours, and PTO. The ability to work remotely during quarantine or isolation will be determined by the employee’s direct supervisor.
Vaccinated employees who are determined to be close contacts will not be expected to quarantine unless they develop symptoms. Vaccinated employees who are considered close contacts should complete a COVID-19 test 3 to 5 days after contact.
Isolation and quarantine: Isolation and quarantine housing is not provided for employees. Employees requiring isolation or quarantine housing will need to arrange that on their own.
Cleaning: Reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by cleaning and disinfecting is another important step in reducing the spread of COVID-19. The following procedures have been implemented and will remain in practice during the pandemic:
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (e.g. door handles, sink handles, grab bars, hand railings, bathroom stalls, dining hall tables, chairs) in all Augustana College facilities daily, with disinfecting to occur as much as possible.
All disinfectant procedures used on the campus are EPA-approved products for killing COVID-19. Soft and porous materials like carpet, rugs, or material in seating areas will be thoroughly cleaned and or laundered when possible.
The Building Services department of Augustana College will typically deep-clean during the morning. Disinfecting procedures will continue throughout each day as necessary and as practicable in common areas, stairwells, washrooms, etc.
- Office spaces: Faculty and staff members have access to cleaning materials to self-clean and continually wipe down their own office spaces. Those items are attainable through contacting building administrative assistants. The Facilities Department is available to assist in securing additional cleaning materials as needed.
Facilities personnel will not regularly clean individual offices. This is in part to avoid as much contact with others and surfaces as possible but also due to the extra attention that high touch surfaces, high traffic areas, classrooms and restrooms will be receiving daily.
Gym mentality: Employees are welcome to wipe down surfaces before and after personal use with products provided but based on public health guidance is not required at this time. While wiping down surfaces is not required, proper hygiene practices including, but not limited to, washing hands frequently, using hand sanitizer, sneezing into the elbow and avoiding touching one’s face are key efforts to reducing the spread of the virus.
Public health guidance from the CDC states “Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) studies have been conducted to understand and characterize the relative risk of SARS-CoV-2 fomite transmission and evaluate the need for and effectiveness of prevention measures to reduce risk. Findings of these studies suggest that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection via the fomite transmission route is low, and generally less than 1 in 10,000, which means that each contact with a contaminated surface has less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection. (SARS-CoV-2 and Surface (Fomite) Transmission for Indoor Community Environments)
HVAC: Augustana College will continue with all HVAC measures that were put in place during the 2020-2021 academic year that align with guidelines from both the CDC and the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
The Mechanical Department of Augustana College has incorporated increased ventilation rates and the percentage of outdoor air that circulates into the system everywhere possible on campus. In those areas on campus where these activities are not possible, due to mechanical designs and configurations, the windows can be used to achieve increased outdoor air flow.
The Direct Digital Control systems on campus have been bypassed to allow for 24/7 air flow as recommended by ASHRAE. The automatic dampers have been set to the highest settings to allow for an increase of outside air into our facilities and filter changes have been increased on all campus HVAC systems. The locations on campus that are operating with fan coil units rely fully on outside air flow from operable windows, doors and hallway air movement. When possible, faculty, staff and students are encouraged to open windows in classes, meetings and in social settings, even when practicing physical distancing and masking.
Enforcing COVID-19 expectations
Similar to last year, the college’s policies and expectations related to COVID-19 mitigation will be enforced through a multi-pronged approach. Augustana’s community principles, personal responsibility and when necessary, referral to the student conduct system are primary enforcement measures.
1. Clearly communicate expectations. All community members should feel comfortable communicating current policies and expectations of the college to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. For example, faculty members are welcome to reiterate policies in classrooms such as masking or physical distancing when possible. Residence hall staff can discuss visitation policies with students, and students can address masking and physical distancing requests with fellow students. These communications and exchanges should be done in a respectful way.
2. Honor system. The Augustana community principles of accountability, responsibility and care are essential to the community’s ability to provide an on-campus learning environment. Each individual member of this community makes choices every day and Augustana believes that students will make the appropriate choices to co-exist with COVID responsibly. For everyone to do their part, students need to live out the community principles. Students need to abide by the Honor Code which includes adhering to reasonable requests of college officials (i.e. masking if unvaccinated, participating in surveillance testing, and refraining from engaging in the life of the college if you have symptoms.)
3. Student Code of Conduct. Students who are non-compliant with any mitigation efforts are subject to sanctions within the Student Code of Conduct. While clear communication in citing college policy and Augustana’s community principles is preferable, if the need arises, students can be referred to the Student Code of Conduct due to non-compliance. An online incident report form exists that any community member can use to document an incident. The form is linked on the “Faculty and staff” portal of the Augustana website.
4. In instances where students are behaving dangerously or are being uncooperative, employees and fellow students may contact Police and Public Safety for assistance by calling 309-794-7711.
In addition to these approaches, community members are encouraged to take responsibility for their own well-being. You should feel comfortable remaining masked and physically distanced wherever possible while on campus. If you deem that necessary, you are encouraged to do so even if you are a fully vaccinated community member.
Augustana’s COVID-19 Alert Level document will continue to be used to inform the community of the COVID-19 Alert level on campus and the factors that are considered in setting the alert level. If the alert level changes, the reinstatement of some 2020-2021 mitigation efforts or newly designed mitigations will be implemented and compliance from all community members will be expected.
Employee non-compliance
The college expects employees to follow rules of conduct that will protect the interests and safety of all employees and the organization. Listing all forms of behavior that are unacceptable in the workplace is not possible; instead it is expected that employees will use good judgment and rely on feedback from managers and supervisors to establish and enforce appropriate workplace behavior.
In most cases, a series of steps will be followed when discipline is necessary. These steps will not be followed in all cases, and Augustana College reserves the right to follow alternate courses of discipline, regardless of the number of offenses.
The disciplinary process used in response to employee performance problems and/or misconduct will be determined by the college in light of the facts and circumstances of each case. While a variety of factors may be taken into consideration, the college generally will consider:
- seriousness of the situation
- employee’s past conduct and length of service
- nature of the employee’s previous performance or incidents involving the employee
More information regarding the college’s policy can be found in the Employee Handbook.
Employee experiences resembling pre-pandemic normalcy
Meetings: In-person meetings with colleagues, students, and even outside visitors is permitted. Virtual meetings remain an option for meetings as well.
Work travel: As of July 1, 2021, off-campus air and ground travel for work-related purposes has been allowed. Employees needing to travel internationally should consult with their immediate supervisor prior to booking or departing. In traveling for either work or personal reasons, employees are expected to adhere to public health guidance.
Dining on campus: Employees are welcome to resume eating in the Gerber Dining Hall.
Attending campus events: Employees and their families are encouraged to resume attending athletic events, cultural events, music performances, theatre productions, and other on-campus activities.
Utilizing exercise facilities: Employees and their immediate family members are welcome to utilize the PepsiCo Recreation Center and Westerlin Activity Center at their leisure.
*Unvaccinated family members should adhere to public health guidance including masking and physical distancing while on campus.
Information for visitors
Campus is open to visitors and welcomes organizations interested in using Augustana’s campus to host an event.
All visitors to campus, community partners and renters are expected to adhere to the college’s mitigation requirements and any applicable public health guidance. Unvaccinated visitors should wear masks and practice physical distancing. Temperature checks and pre-health screenings for all visitors has been discontinued.
*As of Aug. 9, masking is required in all indoor public areas for all visitors, regardless of vaccination status.
During this time, face coverings must be worn correctly, with both mouth AND nose fully covered (chin to bridge of nose). If wearing a face shield, the shield must be worn in the fully “down” position. Face shields, alone, do not meet the requirement of masking indoors.
Admissions visitors: Group tours and large visit days resumed at full capacity as of July 1, 2021. Visitors now have access to all facilities they had access to prior to the pandemic (indoor touring, the dining hall and residence halls, etc).
External event visitors: Camps, conferences and meetings resumed at full capacity as of July 1, 2021. Augustana facilities are available for use as they were prior to the pandemic. For scheduling, please contact Rita Gustafson, campus scheduling coordinator, at 309-794-7322 or at