Roommates and what to bring
We encourage you to reach out to your roommates via email, social media, etc., to begin to get acquainted.
Asking questions similar to those listed below may help with moving in and lay a strong foundation for your relationship:
- Where are you from?
- What are your interests?
- What are you studying?
- What are you bringing to the room?
- Who is bringing the TV?
- Who is bringing the microwave/mini fridge? (available for rent)
- Are you an early riser or night owl?
- What are your expectations for a roommate?
- What are you comfortable sharing?
What to bring (and not)
Here are some items that students typically consider bringing. Your list may be shorter or longer, depending on your needs:
- Alarm clock
- Bed linens (extra long) and blanket
- Calendar
- Cleaning supplies (all-purpose cleaner, paper towels, dust cloths, broom/dustpan)
- Clothes basket or bag
- Clothes hangers
- Coffee maker (with automatic shut-off feature)
- Computer
- Dish detergent
- Eating/cooking utensils
- Extension cords (6 feet or under, UL-approved only)
- Fan
- Flashlight/batteries
- Handy Tack, rubber cement, or 3M Command removable adhesive products for posters (3M products should not be used in Swanson or Parkander)
- Headphones
- Key chain/holder
- Lamps for desk and bed (compact fluorescent bulbs strongly recommended; no halogen bulbs)
- Laundry supplies, including High Efficiency (HE) laundry detergent
- Mattress pad
- Medical items (Band-Aids, sunblock, cold/fever/stomach medications, prescription medication)
- Microwave (one per room) (can be rented through MicroFridge)
- Multipurpose storage items (trunks, stackable shelves, etc.)
- Paper products (tissues and paper towels)
- Pillow(s)
- Plastic food containers to store perishable food
- Posters, pictures, photos
- Radio, stereo, or iPod
- Refrigerator (4.3 cubic feet or smaller, one per room, 3 amp max.) (can be rented through MicroFridge)
- Rugs/carpet without pad
- Shower sandals
- School supplies, including pens, pencils, paper, notebooks, backpack, etc.
- Small bucket or container for toiletries
- Television/DVD (Note: Cable TV is not provided in student rooms.)
- Toiletries
- Towels and washcloths
- UL-approved power strips with surge protectors
- Umbrella or rain gear
- Water bottle
Note: Students requiring injected medication must use medical needle disposal containers. These containers are free and available at the Office of Residential Life.
Some items that you should leave at home:
- Adhesive backed LED strip lighting
- Air conditioners (if you need air conditioning for medical reasons, please contact our office immediately)
- Alcoholic beverages, containers, bars, or paraphernalia
- Candles (wickless and LED candles are permitted)
- Electric ovens or appliances with exposed heating elements (this includes Pizzazz)
- Electrical appliances rated over 6 amps or 800 watts, except computers*
- Firearms, weapons or fireworks
- Grills (indoor grills as well as outdoor models)
- Halogen lamps
- Illegal drugs or prescription drugs used for illegal purposes
- Incense or potpourri pots (this includes Scentsy)
- Large power tools
- Lighter fluid or other flammable materials
- Nails
- Ozone generators (air cleaners)
- Pets (only small fish and documented service/support animals are permitted)
- Refrigerators over 4.3 cubic feet or 3 amps
- Satellite dishes
- Space heaters
- Toasters or toaster ovens (this includes Pizzazz)
- Waterbeds
* Some our buildings, such as Andreen and Seminary halls, were built when electrical usage needs in each room were significantly less. In these buildings especially, the total electrical usage should not exceed 8 amps or 1000 watts at any given time. Generally, this limitation will still allow for one refrigerator, one microwave, a small stereo system and a TV per room, plus a few lamps. Hair dryers, which are very high-wattage devices, should be used in the bathroom areas only.