Women's basketball vs. Elmhurst
The Augustana Vikings will take on Elmhurst College.
Women's basketball vs. Benedictine
The Augustana Vikings will take on Benedictine University.
Women's basketball vs. Coe
The Augustana Vikings will take on Coe College.
Men's Basketball vs. Carthage
The Augustana Vikings will take on Carthage College.
Men's basketball vs. North Central College
The Augustana Vikings will take on the North Central Cardinals. Phi Omega Phi and Student United Way will conduct a toy drive at the game for the Childrens' Hospital of Illinois in Peoria.
Men's basketball vs. MacMurray College
The Augustana Vikings will take on the Highlanders of MacMurray College.
Men's basketball vs. Alma College
The Augustana Vikings will take on the Scots of Alma College.
French Film Festival: "Two Days, One Night"
"Deux Jours, Une Nuit" (Two Days, One Night) will be shown as a part of the annual French Film Festival.
Bert 'The Machine' Kreischer
Stand-up comic Bert Kreischer, who claims he drank with the Russian mafia and fought a bear, will perform.
Christmas at Augustana and WQAD livestream
The holiday celebration at Augustana included two performances of Christmas at Augustana Dec. 2. The 2 p.m. performance was livestreamed at WQAD.com.