Akvavit Theater performing Feb. 20
Akvavit Theatre of Chicago will perform staged readings from two plays Feb. 20 at Augustana. The company focuses on Nordic and Scandinavian works.
SLIDE: Deconstructing the Myth of Race
SLIDE (Student Leaders for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity) will present the program, "Deconstructing the Myth of Race."
First Friday: AFRO
The Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity First Friday event is AFRO: allyship, fairness, realization and opportunity. Students are invited to stop by for an activity and snacks from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Augustana joins initiative to make transferring easier
Augustana College is participating in a transfer agreement which makes it easier for Illinois undergrads to transfer from one college or university in Illinois to another.
J-Term was more than I expected
Three weeks and two days of fast-paced learning, three long hours of class, and late nights doing homework. But I loved every minute.
Poust ’06 makes dinosaur headlines
Dr. Ashley Poust '06 made worldwide headlines for contributing to the discovery of a new species of feathered dinosaur in China.
SASS spring term kickoff
The Society for Sociology and Anthropology Students (SASS) will kick off spring term from 4-5 p.m. with food, games, and fun.
Religion open house
All students are invited to the annual "Spring into Religion" informational event from 3:45-5 p.m. (This is not meant only for students studying religion.)
Francophone Film Festival: 'Catch the Wind'
"Prendre le Large" (Catch the Wind) is tonight's film in the annual Francophone Film Festival at Augustana.
Francophone Film Festival: 'l Lost My Body'
"l Lost My Body" is tonight's film in the annual Francophone Film Festival at Augustana.