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Madelyn Loehr

Akvavit Theater performing Feb. 20

Akvavit Theatre of Chicago will perform staged readings from two plays Feb. 20 at Augustana. The company focuses on Nordic and Scandinavian works.

SLIDE: Deconstructing the Myth of Race

SLIDE (Student Leaders for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity) will present the program, "Deconstructing the Myth of Race."

First Friday: AFRO

The Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity First Friday event is AFRO: allyship, fairness, realization and opportunity. Students are invited to stop by for an activity and snacks from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Augustana joins initiative to make transferring easier

Augustana College is participating in a transfer agreement which makes it easier for Illinois undergrads to transfer from one college or university in Illinois to another.

J-Term Classroom photo

J-Term was more than I expected

Three weeks and two days of fast-paced learning, three long hours of class, and late nights doing homework. But I loved every minute. 

Wulong bohaiensis

Poust ’06 makes dinosaur headlines

Dr. Ashley Poust '06 made worldwide headlines for contributing to the discovery of a new species of feathered dinosaur in China.

SASS spring term kickoff

The Society for Sociology and Anthropology Students (SASS) will kick off spring term from 4-5 p.m. with food, games, and fun.

Religion open house

All students are invited to the annual "Spring into Religion" informational event from 3:45-5 p.m. (This is not meant only for students studying religion.)

Francophone Film Festival: 'Catch the Wind'

"Prendre le Large" (Catch the Wind) is tonight's film in the annual Francophone Film Festival at Augustana.

Francophone Film Festival: 'l Lost My Body'

"l Lost My Body" is tonight's film in the annual Francophone Film Festival at Augustana.

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