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The Global Midwest: Immigration Landscape and Change in the Midwest

Dr. Chris Strunk will present "The Global Midwest: Immigration Landscape and Change in the Midwest."

Football player interns at John Deere

Deere and Augie team up to prepare students for careers

Three football player interns demonstrate the balance that leads to success.

Dealing with the Past in the Present: Swedish Experiences of World War II and the Holocaust

Leading historians from Sweden will discuss how neutral Sweden dealt with the war, Jewish refugees, and repercussions.

Dames at Sea

The Mississippi Bend Players will present the song-and-dance comedy "Dames at Sea" Aug. 2-4.

Dames at Sea

The Mississippi Bend Players will present the song-and-dance comedy "Dames at Sea" July 26-28 and Aug. 2-4.

A Green River

The Mississippi Bend Players will present "A Green River, " an original work by local playwright Aaron Randolph III July 12-14.

A Green River

The Mississippi Bend Players will present "A Green River, " an original work by local playwright Aaron Randolph III, July 5-7 and 12-14.

Biloxi Blues

The Mississippi Bend Players will present present Neil Simon's "Biloxi Blues" June 21-23.

Mississippi Bend Players: 'Biloxi Blues'

The Mississippi Bend Players will present present Neil Simon's Tony Award winning play,  "Biloxi Blues."

Summer Visit Day

Visit Augustana to learn about applying, scholarships, financial aid, internships, arts and athletics.

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