CCIW Men's Basketball Tournament
The Augustana men’s basketball team will host the College Conference of Illinois & Wisconsin Tournament Friday and Saturday.
CCIW Women's Basketball Tournament
The Augustana women's basketball team will host North Park in the first round of the College Conference of Illinois & Wisconsin women's basketball tournament.
Augustana Invitational
Augustana college will host an invitational track and field meet for men and women.
Sarah Bond — "Signs of the Times: Ancient Symbols Reused by Hate Groups"
This lecture will explore how artworks and symbols from classical antiquity have been appropriated and misused by hate groups in the modern world.
Augustana plans new academic program and building, expanded athletics
Augustana introduces kinesiology and the Austin E. Knowlton Center for Innovation in Health, Wellness and Human Performance.
Polar Studies Lecture: Indigenous Rights in the Arctic Under Threat
Aaju Peter from Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada, will give the 2019 Polar Studies Lecture, "Indigenous Rights in the Arctic Under Threat."
Curtis Lecture: 'What Future has the Press in a Free Society?'
British economist, journalist and academic Frances Anne Cairncross will give the 2019 Ellwood F. Curtis Family Lecturer in Public Affairs, “What Future has the Press in a Free Society?”
Cabaret Night 'From Darkness to Light'
Cabaret Night will feature non-classical performances of music under the theme of "From Darkness to Light."
Yellow Pea Soup and Swedish Pancake Supper
The American Scandinavian Association at Augustana will host its traditional Yellow Pea Soup and Swedish Pancake Supper.
After Indian Removal: A Persistent Indigenous Presence in the American Midwest
Jacki Thompson Rand, associate professor of history and the coordinator of Native American and indigenous studies at the University of Iowa, will speak.