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Showing 4041 - 4050 of 7585 results.
Swanson Southwest, 1010 38th St.
Swanson Southwest is housed inside Swanson Residence Hall located on 38th Street. There are 28 TLA apartments in Swanson, 14 four-person apartments, 4 five-person apartments, and 10 six-person apartments, all bedrooms are singles.
Carl Alfred Olson diaries, 1876-1927, 1978
Carl Alfred Olson, a Swedish immigrant, kept detailed diaries describing pioneer life in Nebraska, his travels, and studies covering nearly his whole lifetime. This collection consists of diaries from 1876-1927, family history notes written by family members, photocopies of family photographs, and one cassette tape.
More Than I Imagined 2019
Seniors reflect on accomplishments and look ahead to life after Augustana.