Search Results
Meet your CORE Career Coaches
CORE has a strong lineup of professionals to assist students in exploration, preparation, experiential learning and career readiness. Join us in welcoming our new team members and reconnect with our returning staff.

Slough drainage, restoration project ensures future beauty
Work to relocate a primary water line from under the Slough to under the Slough Path will allow for easier access to the pipe in the event of future needed repairs.
Slough photo contest
Calling all Vikings and Quad Citians who have enjoyed time by the Slough: Please use the form below to share your favorite photo of this scenic spot on campus. A selection of photos will be posted on, and five winners will receive a gift card.

Augustana Choir to tour California in March
The Augustana Choir, under the direction of Dr. Jon Hurty, will perform concerts in California in March 2024. The voice ensemble will sing a selection of traditional and contemporary choral works. The choir is known for its innovative programming, attention to detail, and musical excellence.
Late night midterm write-in on Oct. 25
The Reading/Writing Center and SAGA Magazine will hos a midterm write-in on Wednesday, Oct. 25, from 6-10 p.m. in the RWC (Gerber 423).

Celebrating 50 years at Augustana
A member of Augustana’s faculty since 1974, Dr. Dan Lee's service was celebrated during Homecoming's QuadFest.
UIUC Gies College of Business at Brew on Oct. 31
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Gies College of Business will be in the Brew from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

New York Times names Augustana top college for economic diversity
The New York Times’ College Access Index list ranks the most-selective universities in order of economic diversity.