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Frieze Lecture: Literary legacy of 1915's 'great' poems
Farah Marklevits, instructor in English, presents a Frieze Lecture on the literary legacy of the great poems of 1915, which included Robert Frost's "Road Not Taken" and TS Eliot's "Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock." The Frieze Lecture Series is an 18-year partnership between the Rock Island Public Library and Augustana College. It continues this year with the theme "1915 – A Landmark Year."
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Four controversial kids' books from the '50s
The 1950s was a hinge decade for noteworthy and nation-changing civil rights events. Meanwhile, there was also a revolution brewing in book stores and public libraries. A handful of children's books were focal points of the movement toward integration. Dr. Nancy Huse, professor emerita of English at Augustana, says, "Literature acts as a change agent when a process of interpretation involves various kinds of readers over time and in different media."
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Special Collections will display Beard Olympics!
Augustana Special Collections will display Beard Olympics!, a study of materials related to facial hair and personal grooming, through May 17.