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Alpha Phi Omega

apo exec
APO Exec Board 2017-18

Alpha Phi Omega (APO) is a national coeducational service fraternity dedicated to the principles of leadership, friendship, and service. APO has chapters on more than 300 campuses and is the largest college-based service organization in the world. Members build friendship and foster leadership through providing service to the chapter, community, college, and country.

President: Amanda Walljasper
Vice president of service: Kait Anderson
Vice president of membership: Ari Davis
Vice president of leadership: Kelly Moore
NMEs: David Russ, Chloe Quin
Treasurer: Neima Gonzalez
Sergeant-at-arms: David Russ
Secretary: Mackenzie Laskowski
Historian/alumni relations: Quinn Fabish
Fellowship/awards chairpersons: Jessica Peters, Makenzie Laskowski
Publicity chairperson: Neima Gonzalez
Webmaster: Jessica Peters
DEIC: Izzy Swift
Royal Neighbors liaison: Katie Janas
Fundraising chairperson: Katie Janas

Advisors: Dr. Todd Miller, Dr. Shaun Edmonds, Dr. Nathan Frank

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