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Student health care and insurance requirements

Campus health clinic

Augustana Convenient Care is located in Baldur House just behind the Gerber Center, next to Casa Latina. While the clinic will make it easier for students to access health services on campus, it is not meant to replace the requirement for students to maintain health insurance coverage; available options follow below. 

If your student needs to see a physician on a routine basis (diabetes monitoring or allergy shots, for example), we urge you to establish a relationship with a local physician.

Note: Students who are under age 18 when they enroll at Augustana will need a parent or guardian to fill out a medical consent form. This information is required for students under age 18 to receive medical treatment.

Health insurance proof and options

Details coming soon.


Minimum coverage guidelines

Any medical insurance should meet the following minimum benefits coverage (inpatient and outpatient):

  • Injury or sickness benefit of $500,000
  • Hospital expenses covering operating room, laboratory tests, X-ray examinations, drugs, therapeutic services and supplies, semi-private room, general nursing care
  • Physician care including but not limited to: anesthetist, surgeon, physician, emergency room physician, mental health professionals
  • Emergency room services
  • Ambulance
  • Dental treatment
  • Medical evacuation
  • Repatriation accidental death

Contact Cathy Atkinson for more information.

Health insurance resources for international students

Below are some links to videos and articles that will help you while shopping for insurance. These are for informational purposes only.