Augustana College invites incoming first-year students to apply for the need-based Geology Field Scholarship.
This $3,500 scholarship will cover the full costs of tuition, transportation, raft trip, lodging and food associated with Physical and Environmental Geology Summer Field Course in the Grand Canyon, a unique summer field course that is open only to incoming first-year students, July 20-Aug. 5, 2025.
Eligible applicants for this award should be Pell-eligible students with a strong interest in the natural sciences and the environment who are admitted to Augustana College to begin their first year in the fall of 2025.
GEOL-105 is a two-week summer field course, in which students learn fundamentals of geology and environmental science while travelling, camping, rafting and hiking during a week on Augustana's campus doing science on the Mississippi River and then a week in the spectacular Grand Canyon!
Students earn four credits of a science course and make new friends, even before the fall semester begins.
Applicants should submit 1-2 paragraphs addressing the following points:
- What are some of your academic or career interests in science or the environment? Explain.
- Explain how these interests have developed and what some of your goals are.
- What makes you a viable candidate for this scholarship?
Please email or mail your application by May 1 to:
Dr. Jeffrey Strasser
Department of Geology
Augustana College
639 38th St. Rock Island, Ill., 61201