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Paul Anderson

’65 grad’s sustainable clean energy project wins two prizes

Dr. Paul Anderson ’65 accepted the top prize in two categories at the Premios Verdes (Green Awards) in Miami.

Music students in Ukraine

Seeing a need, taking action in Ukraine

Violinist Kamneev Rai ’16 is in Ukraine to assist in averting human trafficking and connect volunteers with suppliers to ensure goods get to those who need it most. She's also giving music lessons.

collage of alumni leaders

What makes a good leader?

For the Leadership issue of Augustana Magazine Summer 2022, alumni talk about what makes a good leader.

Cameron Onumah

Cameron Onumah: Advocating for his generation’s issues

Cameron Onumah’s penchant for seeking leadership roles got its start during his student days at Augustana. Today he is a thriving young professional who remains steadfast in his passion to lead and his appreciation for Augustana.

Antisana National Park

First Year Global: A high point

Much of Antisana National Park is more than 13,000 feet above sea level. For many of us, it was the highest point we had ever been outside of an airplane.

The First Year Global group in Ecuador at a skatepark.

First Year Global: Discovering community fun

Our First Year Global group met people in Ecuador who are devoting their days to creating a safer place for young people in their communities.

three students in an open classroom

3 new academic programs that can change your future

Augustana will be offering three new academic programs: a film and new media major and minor, integrated health minor and disability minor.

Lindberg Stadium

Submitted by samschlouch on

Part of the Knowlton Outdoor Athletic Complex, Lindberg Stadium is the home of Augustana Vikings Football. Adjacent to Lindberg Stadium is the Ken Anderson Academic All-American Club, where fans can gather during home football games. 

four photos of hannah in paris

Packing for Paris

Hannah Knuth used her three P’s of packing: plan, pull and put together.

Genesius Guild: 'Electra'

The Genesius Guild will present  "Electra," a Greek tragedy by Sophocles, July 2-3 and 9-10.

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