Panel discussion on non-traditional paths
Augustana’s young alumni council (GOLD Council) and local young alumni hosts a panel discussion about non-traditional paths post-graduation. They will discuss paths like taking a gap-year, working/living abroad, and career changes. Pizza and drinks will be provided.
Math and computer science seminar
The math and computer science department will host a seminar where students Landen Love, Alvaro Martin Grande, and Jordan Thompson will be talking about their work with Dr. Stonedahl on artificial intelligence, deep learning, and computer game developement.
Photo Club meeting
The Photo Club will hold its final meeting until spring semester. The group will discuss and practice night photography, and spending the second half of the meeting outside.
Well-Being Lab: Tips for surviving the holidays, tips for self-care
The holiday season often brings unwelcome guests — stress, depression and anxiety. The holidays often present a dizzying array of demands, when all you really want is a break. Counseling services hosts a workshop for practical tips on self-care and stress management.
Upper Mississippi Center seeks project proposals
The Upper Mississippi Center at Augustana College is seeking community partnership proposals through 2022-2024, under the Sustainable Working Landscapes Initiative.
Price is Right
The Office of Student Life Games Committee hosts "The Price is Right Ugly Sweater" edition. There will be Bookstore prizes along with opportunities to win some cash.
Karaoke night
Live On Campus hosts a karaoke night. Food and drinks will be provided at the event.
Geology alumni contribute to climate science
Three alumni climate scientists have been selected as lead authors for state, federal and international climate assessments, climate modeling and research.
The Tredway Library is proud to partner with the QC Canine Assistance Network to bring therapy dogs to the library to help destress before finals week.