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Welcome international students

Office of International Students and Scholar Services invites campus to help welcome international students and scholars to Augustana College.

Pre-SOMA first meeting

Pre-SOMA (Student Osteopathic Medical Association) will hold its first meeting and all interested students are welcome.

This meeting will be an introduction of the chapter, a chance to meet everyone, and time to fill out a quick survey.

Banned Books Week Kahoot

The Tredway Library will host a Banned Books Week Kahoot trivia game from 3-4 p.m. Prizes for first, second and third place.


Sigma Pi Delta and Rho Nu Delta will present Oktoberfest, a fundraiser for Closet 2 Closet, a local nonprofit that provides clothing and hygiene products to teens and preteens in foster care.

Dance Marathon

All are welcome to join the weekly 7 p.m. Tuesday meetings of Dance Marathon. This group works to raise awareness and support for the Children's Miracle Network.

Camp Kesem meeting

Camp Kesem invites interested students to the first meeting of the year to meet returning members and see how to get involved. 

Camp Kesem is a nationwide community led by college students that supports children through and beyond their parent's cancer.

Debate watch

All are welcome to join the department of Communication Studies for a debate watch.

gnome reading

Nordic Book Club, December

December's book is A Very Scandinavian Christmas: The Greatest Nordic Holiday Stories of all Time compiled by New Vessel Press, 2019. 


Vigil for Lives Lost

The lights of Lindberg Stadium were dimmed Thursday night and candles lit while more than 400 students said the names of Black lives lost.

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