Digital Dialogues: The Hera and Now of Settler Colonialism
The Native and Indigenous Representation Coalition will present "Digital Dialogues: The Hera and Now of Settler Colonialism" with Dr. Jane Simonsen, professor of history.
Vikings Vote: Use Your Voice
The Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity will run a Vikings Vote campaign Sept. 21-Oct. 2.
Vikings Vote: Your Voice is Your Power
The Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity will run a Vikings Vote campaign Sept. 21-Oct. 2.
Vikings Vote: registration and education
The Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity will run a Vikings Vote campaign Sept. 21-Oct. 2.
Today, there will be voter education and registration from 1-4 p.m. outside of the Office of Student Life (Gerber 436).
Heywire auditions
Heywire improv comedy troupe will host fall auditions from 8-10 p.m. Sept. 22-24 in Bergendoff B1 (Bergendoff Black Box).
Heywire is a student-run performance organization that hosts free biweekly shows of improv.
Student Government Association office hours
Student Government Association virtual office hours are for any student who would like to share thoughts and ideas with SGA President Kaitlyn Watkins and Vice President Peyton Couch.
Crash course: How to run a virtual meeting
The Office of Student Life will offer a help on learning to run an online meeting, with tips and tricks for more effective meetings. There will be a small welcome gift for those who attend.
Global Connections meet-and-greet
The Office of International Student and Scholar Services will host a Global Connections event for all students on campus to get to know each other across borders. Meet domestic and international students and enjoy snacks and activities.
Well-being lab: Let Go and Be Well III
Allison Mirell will present “Let Go and Be Well 3: Acceptance. Let go of avoidance and the struggle to control thoughts and feelings. Learn ways to accept all thoughts and feelings to have energy to pursue a meaningful life. Students will also practice a letting-go relaxation exercise.
Let Go and Be Well II
Allison Mirell will present the well-being lab "Let Go and Be Well 2: Fusion and Defusion.” In this session, students will learn specific strategies to defuse from negative or unhelpful thoughts and lessen the impact on well-being.