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The Marriage of Figaro

3 reasons you should get involved with music or theatre

Augustana College provides opportunities for music and theatre majors and minors and students involved in other programs on campus to be involved in music ensembles, lessons and theatre production. But why should you take advantage of these opportunities at Augustana?

Nursing info session

Dr. Dara Wegman-Geedey will lead an info session for students interested in a career in nursing, and outline the different paths into nursing. 

The Google Meet will run from 6:30-7:15 p.m.

Bike Club first meeting

The Bike Club will be have its first (virtual) meeting at 8 p.m. Oct. 13. All are welcome.

The group will talk about goals for the club and future bike rides. Bike Club explores the Quad Cities and takes frequent casual rides.


Racial Justice and Equity: The Politics of Identity on Tuesday

The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will host virtual town hall, Racial Justice and Equity: The Politics of Identity.

Symposium Day: What is truth?

Every fall, Augustana devotes a day to an alternative approach to learning.

Symposium Days include invited speakers, faculty, students, alumni, and opportunities to practice the liberal arts and be involved with the community. 

Ander Lecture focuses on Swedish divas

This year's O. Fritiof Ander Lecture in Immigration History will focus on the 19th century Swedish divas Jenny Lind and Christina Nilsson.

Javier Avila pre-show

The Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity will host a Javier Avila pre-show with trivia, treats and prizes. Students can go to any of the following rooms: Olin auditorium, Hanson 102 or Hanson 304.

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