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Student recital: Amber Mraz, voice

Amber Mraz, a senior from Lisle, Ill., majoring in vocal music education, will give a voice recital.

Entertainment Media open house

Students who are considering a minor in Entertainment Media, or who just want to explore film or film production, are invited to an open house.

Walk in Their Shoes

Sigma Pi Delta and Delta Chi Theta will hold Walk in Their Shoes, an event to raise awareness about sexual violence. This event is meant to be inclusive and bring awareness to all forms of sexual violence.

Women’s & Gender Studies: A Light-Hearted History

Dr. Vicki Sommer, professor emerita of sociology, will present “Women’s & Gender Studies: A Light-Hearted History" at the annual meeting of the Augustana Historical Society.

Q-C History Hop: The Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center

The Swenson Center is teaming up with Davenport Public Library for an after-hours tour of the archives. 

'She Kills Monsters' Elise Campbell

'She Kills Monsters' takes audience on a quest

Augustana College will present "She Kills Monsters," a dramatic comedy in the world of fantasy role-playing games, Nov. 14-17.

Self-defense class

Zeta Phi Kappa will offer a self-defense class from 6-8 p.m. Class size is limited; email Summer Hall to sign up.

All proceeds will go to survivor services at Family Resources

Impeachment: How far will it go?

Four Augustana faculty in history and political science will hold a panel discussion on the impeachment process and answer questions.

aerial photo of Augustana's campus

No regrets: coming to Augie from California

Sophia chose to come to Augustana without ever experiencing life in the Midwest, and she wouldn't change her decision even after experiencing winter. 

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