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Religion Newsletter 2019-2020
In this year’s letter we honor our 2020 graduates and Religion students who are award winners. You will also find news about student activities and profiles of new faculty members.

Bildner '13 awarded I.O.W.A. STEM Teacher Award
Megan Bildner '13, Pleasant Valley High School science teacher was awarded the I.O.W.A. STEM Teacher Award in 2020.
President Bahls extends contract to 2022
The Augustana College Board of Trustees and President Steve Bahls have agreed to a contract renewal that continues his presidency through May 2022.

Music's Cummins feels the gold medal glow
The Colere Quartet, which includes Augustana music instructor John Cummins, won a gold medal in May at the largest chamber music competition in the U.S.

Seriously good work by seniors shows they’re ready
Proud professors share examples of excellent Senior Inquiry projects, from computer science to art to public health.

Alumni write letters to support, inspire students
When campus closed this spring, Augustana alumni wrote letters that reminded students of their "forever connection" to the college.
Student health clinic opening this fall
Augustana College will open a student health clinic on campus this fall, prompted in part by a call by students.

“After talking with my advisors, and the first data classes, I knew that was the path I wanted to pursue.”Read More

“The geography department played a huge role in helping me become the successful student I am today.”Read More