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Viking alumni: From campus to community

Augustana has 4,163 alumni living in the Quad Cities area. They are known for making an impact, for being leaders and for changing the community, and their workplaces, for the better.

Anne Bak
More Than I Imagined Anne Bak
“Augustana helps you become the best version of yourself.”
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Alison Ng
More Than I Imagined Alison Ng
“My whole Augustana experience has been more than I imagined.”
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Monica Thompson
More Than I Imagined Monica Thompson
“I am grateful for Dr. Morse in the art history department who has guided me each year, helped me choose my SI topic and assisted with law school applications.”
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Viking Connections: Sarah Cermak

sarah cermak

Sarah Cermak is an Assistant Professor of Practice/Field Coordinator at The University of Tennessee's College of Social Work. Sarah is also a part-time Disruptive Even Management Consult for R3 Continuum (providing brief emotional support to employees at organizations who recently experienced a disruptive event).

"I would love to support current students who are interested in the sociology/social work field. I currently work for a university and can provide guidance on graduate school, if that is something some students are interested in pursuing. I am also currently working with UTK's online social work program (all of my students are actually outside the state of TN) and I have been making connections and working with non-profits and social service agencies across the United States."

Graduation year: 2009

Post-grad: Master of Social Work at University of Pennslyvania

Major: Sociology

Campus activities: Alpha Phi Omega, Symphonic Band, Stonecutters Ultimate Frisbee Team

Linkedin profile

• Best way to contact her: Email