Viking Connections: Aaron Newman

Aaron Newman is a chief behavioral health officer leading a network (ACO) of 98 clinicians, 12 psychiatrists, 15 APRNs, 24 case managers, 5 prevention specialists, and 29 support staff (admin and lab techs). He is appointed to the Utah Opioid Taskforce, Utah Behavioral Healthcare Commission (UBHC), Utah Mental Health Crisis, Intervention Council and Utah Behavioral Health Crisis Response Commission, and formerly with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities and the National Ability Center leading in-country teams creating "ADA" recreation policies and programs focused on adaptive recreation and providing training for program leaders. Previously, he spent 13 years in higher education administration and academic teaching.
"For the past several years, I have been mentoring and providing guidance to members of Delta Omega Nu who are either entering or in the medical profession on both behavioral health and physical health. Leading an ACO, I have provided a high level understanding of the skills, trends, expanded education, and other reverent aspects of leading a successful and impactful community healthcare organization. When I think back, there are two professors who influenced who I am today, and one of those that I remain in communication with to this day. The support and education I received at Augustana is what has lead to my current success."
Graduation year: 1999
Post-grad: M.Ed (Higher Ed Administration), MBA
Majors: Political science, history
Campus activities: Band, Res Life (RA), Mock Trial, Delta Omega Nu and SGA (Freshman)
• Best way to contact: Email