Viking Connections: Amanda Whelan

Amanda Whelan is the human resources coordinator for Wheels Inc, a fleet management company. She works on a variety of projects in the areas of comp and benefits, employee events and engagement, and new hire onboarding.
"I’ve always been impressed by the efforts that Augustana makes to connect their vast alumni network with students. I would love to be part of that. Over the years as a business student, I encountered many different alumni. It was very inspiring to meet them, hear their stories, and learn what the 'real world' was like. Although I haven’t been away from Augie for very long yet and I still have a lot to learn in my field, I think it’s a perspective worth sharing with students about what my first few years out of college have been like in the HR field. I have some experience in recruiting and interviewing candidates now, so I’ve definitely learned some tips and tricks being on the HR side of interviews that I’d love to share. And of course, I’m always happy to review resumes too."
Graduation year: 2018
Majors: Business administration-marketing, business administration-management, sociology
Campus activities: Dance Company, Mortar Board
Best way to contact: LinkedIn