Viking Connections: Julie Dreixler

Julie Dreixler is the chief human resources officer at Graham Media Group (GMG) in Chicago. She reports to the CEO and is responsible for all aspects of recruiting, training, employee relations, compensation and benefits for GMG. As the company’s chief HR strategist, Julie works with GMG senior management, as well as those individuals at Graham Holdings Company, playing a key leadership role in identifying, growing, and developing GMG employees.
"As a member of the Augustana Alumni Board of Directors and an Augustana graduate, I am interested in giving back to the school and helping/connecting with students to answer any questions, provide insight and counsel and connections as appropriate. I want to partner with Alumni Relations and CORE to ensure this program is coordinated, meets the needs of students, alumni and administration, and is sustainable.
I can offer students counsel on any HR-related topic including career advice (branding yourself, internships, sourcing/hiring - interviewing process, performance management, benefits, compensation, separation/outplacement). I can speak to how I moved from not-for-profit to HR and provide some insight into the various companies that employed me.
I can also speak to living and working in the Chicago area."
Graduation year: 1983
Post-grad: Masters in human resources/industrial relations
Majors: Political science, public administration and German
Campus activities: Student Life Programming Board (formerly CUBOM), Phi Rho sorority, international/German club, homecoming yell, bowling club/league, ski club, Young Republicans, orientation leader, WVIK radio DJ, European Quarter
• Best way to contact her: Email