Viking Connections: Liz Lefelstein

Liz Lefelstein owns a digital marketing consultancy based in Los Angeles, CA. Her clients include high-profile technology, entertainment, and real estate brands – where she specializes in SEO to help boost their visibility on Google. She is currently pursuing her executive MBA at the University of Southern California.
"I wasn't ready to move far from home after high school, and like many kids that grew up in the Chicagoland area, chose Augustana because of its close proximity to home and its great reputation. I changed my major twice during school and still had no idea what I wanted to do after no worries if this is you too. I promise you'll figure it out in time.
It was a fellow Augie alum that gave me my first job in marketing, and my career wouldn't be where it is today without this first 'foot in the door' opportunity. The connections you make during school – and after – are so important for furthering your career along.
I'd be happy to offer support to current students on ways to break out into tech and entertainment after school (and the city of Los Angeles for those looking to make a similar move)."
Graduation year: 2013
Majors: Multimedia journalism and mass communication, marketing
Campus activities: Cross country/track
• Best way to contact her: Linkedin message