Viking Connections: Natalie Wuest

Natalie Wuest works as the intake and foster coordinator at Save-A-Pet. She is responsible for organizing foster homes for animals who are too young to remain at the shelter, or pets who need to have surgeries or health procedures done. She is also responsible for managing all of the intake at the shelter, including owner relinquishes, stray animals, and Save-A-Pet animal returns when people need to rehome their pets.
"I would love to participate in Viking Connections because I know that when I was at Augustana, I really wasn't 100% sure what I wanted to do at first. It was always helpful to me to see what others were doing, where they started versus where they were now, and see that there were so many options out there and I didn't need to narrow myself down to one specific field or set of skills. In terms of what I can offer to students, I know that nonprofit organizations can be tough to navigate or get into if that's what students are aspiring to do. While I am currently working for a nonprofit organization, I would love to be able to answer questions from students who aspire to do the same, and share my knowledge on what I've experienced while job searching and while working, and help them out."
Graduation year: 2018
Major: Communications studies
Campus activities: Viking Pups, Epsilon Sigma Alpha, Augustana College Concert Band
Best way to contact: Email